Knex P90. (edit)


Intro: Knex P90. (edit)

This is my knex p90, its quite powerful and its accurate. it looks alot like the real thing. the stock can hold 36 rounds (3 magazines full). thereĀ is a 12 round hopper justĀ above the trigger (credit goes to gtrain and S0lekill3r) (EDIT: look at the new forum topic!)


Hey, didn't knexguntutorials do the same gun on youtube and you just posted his gun onto instructables?
Nope, this is a different one. and i have the p90v2 out so check that out =D
thanks, any pics?
sorry about the pics, never got around to posting them.
Lol XD no probz.
Instruction already made?
look at my p90 v2, its better, and in the slideshow there is a link to inside pictures
How do you make a mag for the p90 im making a p90 and im stuck on the mag :(
this one or the real type one?
This one and if you know how to do the real type that one too
i failed at it before...
Epic dude, it would be awesome if you made a removable magazine for it too!
Thanks! i tried it in the last one and failed lol, v3 might come out though.....
will it be postet today????
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