Knex P90


Intro: Knex P90

This is my knex p90 its a good close range gun just like the real thing so time for the pros and cons

-looks a ton like the real thing
-has a trigger like the real thing
-cool (in my opinion)

-only holds three bullets
-could have better trigger
-needs mag push
-uses 4 hinge connectors but only one is required
-uses a lot of cut pieces but only a few are required

STEP 1: Stock

The stock is basically just five layers through so dont worry

STEP 2: Handle

this is the handle pretty simple

STEP 3: Body

this isnt as long as the stock but still kinda long

STEP 4: Ram Rod and Mag Pusher


STEP 5: Assembly


STEP 6: Banding Loading and Firing

almost done just add a few more things


Sure have at it just put the fact that it's my p90 in the title
Ya I know this took me about a day I did it more for looks than performance
Looks good, though, (no offence) I prefer ~KGB~'s one. This one (yours) doesn't need a melted pin though, which is better.
Keep it up
Thx i like your new Hk13e or whatever its called i cant remember. It looks really cool
Your welcome and btw do know if selezonia still posts?
I think Selez sort of left, as his last comment is from some months ago
Yeah, it's sad to see him 'gone', he was a pretty cool guy
I was wondering if you could build my g36c and give me any ideas on how to make it perform any better.
Well, I looked at your slideshow (I already used like all my 'useful' pieces in a gun), and these are what I see that need some improvement:
- The angle of the handle
- Magazine size (the size you used is closer to a 7.62x51 mag than a 5.56 mag)
- The stock (both length, and bottom curve angles.
For ideas on how to make them better, you can maybe take a look at these two:
kgb is better but this gun is still pretty good
Ya i know it doesnt shoot that far but i liked the design and for a gravity fed mag its okay even though it has a push pin
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