KnexBuildFreak Mini Rifle


Intro: KnexBuildFreak Mini Rifle

This is a very very small powerful knex rifle.

STEP 1: Finish!!!

Happy shoting!


That LOOKS AWESOME, cant w8 to build!!!!!
anyone know how far this gun shoots?
Well, I'm not sure if I loaded it correctly, but if I did, not very far because the barrel is like one giant ammo stopper..
It looks really cool, but does it have a magazine?
how do u fire it and how do u put in the rubber band. cause i want to use it.
The gun isn't half bad, but I am pretty sure that this does not constitute as an instructable, since its only step is "finish!!!"
Small hand held rifle=Pistol
haha l like it. a bit impractical, but looks awesome.
they're steps to show how to make the gun. you dont only need to use pics...
this isn't a mini rifle. it is a normal pistol !! ( duhuuuh )
awesome mod i know its the knex 9mm but nice idea
heres a spell check (Happy shooting!)
it sorta kool i can now haf my own mini rifle=)
For a mini gun, this is actually not half bad.
sweet. better than the machine gun idea