Knex Gun


Intro: Knex Gun

I got really bored so I made a stupid gun :P
I got quite a bit of power out of it, and the handle was really comfortable.


hmm, looks ok, if you want to post. AND PLEASE NO MORE SLIDE SHOWS FOR ONE GUN. it's kinda a waste of space since your going to post a instructable on it anyway, this is what the forums are for.
Well. I'm sadly not going to post it. So I just did this.
aeh it looks good but how does it profure and it looks like any other mech
i have no idea what that means, so im going to make pancakes. want some?
dont make me laugh, pancakes and chocolate. 8-)
are you chinies
cool, i bet you know what i am going to say but
I don't think it's "Stupid" It looks sweet :P
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