Knitted Rhombi Cushion Cover


Intro: Knitted Rhombi Cushion Cover

About 3 years ago, I knitted a scarf for my dad, I followed the knitting pattern called Rhombi Scarf, written by Margaret Kendall. While the stitches are easy for the beginner to complete, the pattern was complex and it felt good to push my experience. I took the pattern and extended it so it would make a large panel that could be turned into a cushion cover or repeated over to make varying size blankets.

The pattern is in both written and chart form. Charts can be found at the end of the written pattern.
For charts, begin with row 1 at the top of the chart. Right side (odd numbered) are read from right to left Wrong side (even numbered) are read from left to right. Written instructions and charts include a 3 stitch garter border on each edge.

The finished pattern is reversible, so you may choose whichever side appeals to you most, and is symmetrical in both directions. To be able to see the pattern stitch of the finished work I recommend using a solid coloured yarn. A variegated yarn will obscure the stitches making the pattern hard to see, and undermining all the hard work you put into the finished item (I know this because I tried to make my prototype with a stashed variegated yarn before realising that they just didn't play well together).

The main motif is based on ‘The Elongated Diamond Pattern’ from a ‘Treasury of Knitting Patterns’ by Barbara G Walker.

STEP 1: Gather Your Materials

I bought 2 x 100g ball of 12ply weight yarn (approx 404m) - I used approx145g (approx 300m) of 4 Seasons Marvel 12ply

Knitting Needles - 5.5mm (US size 9 or UK/Canada size 5)

40 x 40 cm (15 x15 Inch) pillow form or hobby fill toy stuffing

Yarn needle for sewing in ends.

A copy of the pattern (included in this tutorial). The pattern is available in both written and charted format.

STEP 2: Difficultly Level and Instructions

Difficulty - Beginner / Intermediate

This pattern assumes knowledge of how to complete a long tail cast on, knit stitch, purl stitch and the standard bind off technique. There is also an assumption that the knitter understands how to 'read' their knitting.

While the stitches themselves are easy for a beginner to complete the pattern is not one that you could complete whilst watching the TV.


Cast on 57 stitches

Knit 8 Rows to form Garter stitch border

Work pattern, as written/charted.

Knit 8 Rows to form Garter stitch border.

Bind off.

Block if required.

Fold finished fabric in half and seam sides around cushion pad / stuffing.

Sew in ends.

STEP 3: Cast On

To make the cushion you will need to cast on 57 stitches. I used the long tail cast on technique because as a beginner that was the technique I was most comfortable with.

Instructables has tutorials for the long tail cast on technique.

There is a calculation that can be used to figure out how much yarn to use for your long tail cast on - it can be found here -

In short it states:

Long tail length (in inches based on mm needle size):

[ (Number of stitches) * (mm needle size) / 8 ] + some extra for weaving in later

We are casting on 57 stitches on 5.5mm needles, so the calculation is [57 * 5.5 / 8] = 39.19″ + some extra for weaving in later Note: For those using metric, convert by a factor of 2.54 cm per inch; i.e. 2.54 * 39.19 = 99.6 cm.

I used a tail length of 150cm to be on the safe side, because I find nothing more tedious than casting on to find my tail too short!

STEP 4: Follow the Pattern

The pattern whilst made of simple knit and purl stitches is quite complex.

Here are some progress photos for you to compare against.

You should notice that there is a distinct pattern developing.

STEP 5: Half Way Through

Your knitted piece should look like this photograph by the time you are half way through (Row 105)

STEP 6: Knitting Comlete - Cast Off.

At the end of the instructions you should have a knitted piece that looks like the photograph.

Bind Off all stitches using the basic bind off technique (again, you can find an instructable for this)

You can at this point block your work. I blocked my finished fabric to 40cm wide and 90cm long.

STEP 7: Finishing

Choose the side of the fabric which you prefer, and fold in half with preferred side facing outwards and using mattress stitch seam the cast on and cast off edges together. Place your cushion pad in the centre and seam up the edges.

Alternatively seam all sides using mattress stitch leaving a 5 cm gap. Stuff the cushion with hobby fill and close the gap.

STEP 8: Contact Details

Thanks for knitting. I hope you enjoyed creating your finished cushion. To see what else I've been up to please visit my Ravelry page

I'd love to see pictures of your finished projects, you can email me at or link your project to my pattern on Ravelry and hit the 'I made it' button, I would love to see your finished items.

Happy Knitting



Thank You Louise,
that means al lot of me!
I'm looking foreward for the next afghan!

Best regards

Dear Louise Steiner,

I used your wonderful Rhombi-Pattern, to knit a large Afghan, 130 x 190 cm. I had many fun by knitting und want to knit a second one.
Thank you for that vray special Pattern!
I want to create an Etsy-Account. Would you allow me, to sell one Afghan with Rhombi-Pattern on Etsy?

I'm a hobbyknitter, not commercial knitter, my fullfilling job is working in a Stockhouse for books.

My Speciality are Tableclothes, made by old linen with knitted linen-lace

Kind regards

Sabine Klees

Hi Saline,

I am so please to hear that you enjoyed knitting my pattern. I initially designed it as an afghan pattern but never had the time or energy to knit anything more than one repeat.
I have one request please. Please can can you please use the 'I Made It' button on here and add some photos. I would love to see your finished blanket. Or if you you have a Raveley account could you please log your pattern and photos again this pattern listing (Or both if you don't mind)
With regards to your request. I have no issues with you selling your hand finished knitted item on Etsy. If you would be so kind as to link to my Raveley page ( i would be grateful

I wish you many happy years or knitting

This is a lovely cushion. You've got good skills!⭐️

I love this pattern!