Kobo Did You Know? Hiding Pre-Loaded EBooks


Intro: Kobo Did You Know? Hiding Pre-Loaded EBooks

Did you know that you can remove/hide your Pre-Loaded classics on your Kobo eReader?

Sometimes you might not want your 100 Pre-Loaded classics that came with your Kobo eReader to appear in your Books library, you can easily remove them by accessing the Display function in your Menu.

STEP 1: Step 1-3

1.    On your Kobo eReader press the MENU button

2.    Select BOOKS function on the Menu

3.    Select DISPLAY on the Menu

STEP 2: Step 4

4.    Select MY BOOKS and make sure that a checkmark appears beside it. 

5.    If you wish for your pre-loaded books to re-appear simply select ALL BOOKS option in the DISPLAY