LED Instrument Light Conversion


Intro: LED Instrument Light Conversion

I bought a cheap motorcycle for temporary transport use and ultimately to be the subject of a full electric conversion later in the year. The indicator light telltales on the instrument cluster are impossible to see in the harsh African winter sun. I decided to try a conversion to LED and am extremely happy with the result.
Each bulb took about 20 minutes to do and the parts were all recycled of other old lanterns and projects. The idea of using the PCB as a blade for the light fitting was borrowed from 1up with his smallest USB LED ( https://www.instructables.com/id/The-Smallest-USB-LED/ )

I hope you find this useful and as the video shows, it definitely works and was well worth the effort.

STEP 1: Step 1 - Parts

3 x 1W LED's
1 x 1k Resistor
1 x strip of PCB 2 tracks wide

This is the shopping list per bulb.

STEP 2: Step 2 - Solder Together

STEP 3: Step 3 - Finish

The finished product. Very rough but works wonderfully. A very tight squeeze when putting it back in to the nacelle but a bit of patience and perseverance pays off. Final video shows the result with both the left and the right lights finished. I have since converted every bulb in the nacelle to LED and am very pleased with the result.

Total cost of project - 0.00