LED Steampunk Rose


Intro: LED Steampunk Rose

A pretty, light-up rose made of metal

STEP 1: Materials

-2 colors long wire
-a short amount of pretty, insulated wire (mine is red)
-tinned copper braided wire (this stuff: http://www.made-in-china.com/showroom/georgewenzhou/product-detailTMsxEChPaGVD/China-Tinned-Copper-Braided-Wire.html)
-battery pack (&batteries)
-high-power LED
-2 puff balls

STEP 2: Wrap the LED in Wire.

Be careful that the wire is insulated at all points from the LED leads. This step is purely decorative!

STEP 3: Solder LED Leads to Wires.

STEP 4: Sugru Over Solder.

Make sure you don't short-circuit; the sugru should insulate the leads from one another.

STEP 5: Prepare the Flower.

Hold one end of the braided wire and open out the other end so it looks flower-like.

STEP 6: Twirl Wire.

Optional, but much neater.

STEP 7: Insert LED Into Flower.

Through the bottom of the flower, feed in the head of the LED. Pad with puffballs to hold it in the center.

STEP 8: Sugru Closed End of Flower.

This should hold the wires in place.

STEP 9: Attach to Power.

Attach wire leads to battery pack.

STEP 10: Voila!

Now do something pretty with it.


Pretty! Good idea to use Sugru to insulate the wire, I'll have to remember that.