Introduction: LED Strip Blinker Circuit Using 12V Relay

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Hii friend,

Today I am going to make a circuit of LED Strip blinker using 12V Relay and capacitors.

Let's get started,

Step 1: Take All Components As Shown Below

Components required -

(1.) Relay - 12V x1

(2.) Capacitor - 25V 2200uf x1

(3.) Capacitor - 25V 470uf x1

(4.) Resistor - 150 ohm x1

(5.) LED Strip

(6.) Power supply - 12V DC

Step 2: Connect 150 Ohm Resistor to Relay

Firstly we have to connect 150 ohm resistor to the Relay.

Solder 150 ohm resistor between NC (Normally close) pin and Coil-2 pin of the relay as solder in the picture.

Step 3: Connect 470uf Electrolytic Capacitor

Next we have to connect 470uf capacitor to the relay.

Solder +ve pin of 470uf capacitor to NO Pin of the Relay and

Solder -ve pin of 470uf capacitor to Coil-1 Pin of the Relay as you can see in the picture.

Step 4: Connect 2200uf Capacitor

Next Solder +ve pin of 2200uf capacitor to Coil-2 pin of the Relay and

Solder -ve pin of 2200uf capacitor to coil-1 pin of the relay as you can see in the picture.

Step 5: Connect LED Strip Wire

Next we have to connect the wires of LED Strip.

Solder +ve wire of LED Strip to NO (Normally Open) Pin of the Relay and

solder -ve wire of the LED Strip to -ve of both capacitors/Coil-1 pin of the Relay as you can see in the picture.

Step 6: Connect Power Supply Wire

Now we have to connect the clip of 12V DC Input Power supply.

Connect +ve clip of input power supply to Common pin of the Relay and

Connect -ve clip of Input Power supply to the -ve of capacitors/Coil-1 pin of the relay as you can see in the picture.

Step 7: Give Power Supply

Give Power supply to the circuit and now we will observe that LED Strip is blinking.

NOTE : Check circuit connections before giving input power supply.

Thank you