LM35 Temperature Sensor


Intro: LM35 Temperature Sensor

“Arduino can sense the environment by receiving input from a variety of sensors and can affect its surroundings by controlling lights, motors, and other actuators. The microcontroller on the board is programmed using the Arduino programming language”. Using the Arduino I will show you how to get the analog input from the LM35 temperature sensor and display the information in the serial window as raw data, celsius and fahrenheit.

For the purpose of the post I will assume that you already know how to download and install the Arduino software and load a sketch onto it.

STEP 1: What You Need

What you will need:

Arduino UNO, Leonardo or equivalent


Jumper Wires

USB Cord

LM35 temperature sensor Data Sheet

STEP 2: Wiring:

Wire up the breadboard as depicted in this picture.

STEP 3: Code

The code can be downloaded here.

or Copy and paste this into the arduino sketch.

/*<br>Simple Temperature uses the lm35 in the basic centigrade temperature configuration
float temp;
int tempPin = 2; // analog input pin
int sampleTime = 1000; // 1 second dafault 
void setup()
void loop()
  //gets and prints the raw data from the lm35
  temp = analogRead(tempPin);
  Serial.print("RAW DATA: ");
  Serial.print (temp);
  Serial.println(" ");
  //converts raw data into degrees celsius and prints it out
  // 500mV/1024=.48828125
  temp = temp * 0.48828125;
  Serial.print("CELSIUS: ");
  Serial.println("*C ");
  //converts celsius into fahrenheit 
  temp = temp *9 / 5;
  temp = temp + 32;
  Serial.print("FAHRENHEIT: ");


Load the code into to your board and open the serial monitor you should see both fahrenheit and celsius.


sir i have a problem, what if we used it for body temperature do you have any suggestion? in coding?
Thanks for the code. It is simple, very readable and follows good coding praxis.
However, for a hello world app, it is worth noting that a brief version printing Celsius is just:

void setup(){ Serial.begin(9600);}

void loop(){

Hallo , i dont know why but I just tried to copy this program but I faced problem :

could someone help ? Using arduino mini pro and Voltage for me is 5V
checked wiring, plus , GND , and output are set correctly

I kept serial.println only for celsius ... there are 21 degrees in room

thanks for any idea.

That code is wrong I had the same problem it should be like this

I got the range form the manufacturer


void setup() {

// put your setup code here, to run once:



void loop() {

// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

int x = analogRead(A0);

double y = map(x,0,1024,-55.0,150.0); //converit it to range




can we use this for body temperature measurement?

Hi, so depending on the temperature, the voltage output changes am I correct? Is it possible to know the correlationship between voltage and temperature? I'm trying to add a fan to run above certain voltage(temperature.) Thanks!

LM35 is a linear temperature sensor whose output voltage is
proportional to degree centigrade. LM35's output is 10mv/Degree C which
means for every degree rise in temperature the output of LM35 will rise
by 10mv. So if the output of LM35 is 220mv/0.22V the temperature will be
22°C. So if room temperature is 32°C then the output of LM35 will be
320mv i.e. 0.32V.

For detailed information check out basic's of LM35 Temperature Sensor

I would just do some testing. To find the voltage = temp you want.

Can someone give me the difference between a temperature sensor like the one used here, and a thermister.


I am confused about the 500mV number constant?

According to the datasheet even in the basic setup (which is used in this article) there is a range of 1480mV w/ 2degC being 0mV & 150degC being 1480mV w/ each degree C linear at 10mV.

TY :-)

it measures board or human body temp?

Its an ambient temp, more for like a room.