Introduction: Lab1
This Step by step process will show you how to hook up 2 LEDs along with 2 potentiometers. With the given code you will be able to adjust the brightness of each LED
Step 1: Getting Started Red LED
Making a connection
1. Start by taking a red wire and hooking the uno contoller up to the bread board. Use the 5v port on the uno controller and connect to the positive side of the bread board. Next, use the black wire and plug the GND to the negative of the bread board.
2. place the LED. the long end of the LED is positive so grab a 200 Ohm resistor and connect it to the 11 port on the controller. Put a black negative wire going from the short end of the LED to the negative side of the board.
Step 2: Hooking Up Components(potentiometer)
Adding a potentiometer
1. put a potentiometer anwhere on the bread board. the top prong of the 3 is the positive so put a red wire from it to the positive. Place a black wire from the last of the 3 prongs to the negative. The middle prong is then connected to the controller in port A2
At this point your LED/Potentiometer is ready for use with the given code.
Step 3: Connecting the 2nd LED(any Color)
1. place the LED. the long end of the LED is positive so grab a 200 Ohm resistor and connect it to the 10 port on the controller. Put a black negative wire going from the short end of the LED to the negative side of the board.
Step 4: Connecting the Last Potentiometer
1. put a potentiometer anwhere on the bread board. the top prong of the 3 is the positive so put a red wire from it to the positive. Place a black wire from the last of the 3 prongs to the negative. The middle prong is then connected to the controller in port A3.
After all of this is hooked up, run the code given to adjust the brightness of the LEDs