Introduction: Lamp Shade in Rhino:MAT 594x Week 3
I made a triangular shaped lamp shade in Rhino using parametric surfaces in Grasshopper
Step 1: Create Parametric Surface Using Cylinder
I created a parametric cylinder without any modifications first. Then I made the radius change, by essentially making it a function of cosine of one of the parameters, "u". Line number 22 in the code snippet. One interesting observation is, the factor which gets multiplied to u actually affects final shape of the lamp. In this case, multiplying it by 3, made the lamp have triangular shape. Then, I also added a little bit of slope to the lamp by linearly interpolating it from full value of radius to 80% radius. Then, I finally used Offset Curve of Puffer Fish to add thickness of 1cm to the lamp shade. The lamp has height of 22cms and the cylinder from which this lamp was made has a radius of 9cm at the bigger side and a radius of 7.2cm at the smaller side. Using all this, the basic outline of the lamp was made successfully.
Step 2: Create Support Structure
Next part was to create some sort of support structure so that the lamp could be hung from bulb. So, I ended up making a small donut like shape, which will act as the central support for the lamp. I created this using a circle of diameter 2cm, then extruded it to a height of 1.5cm, then finally added 1cm thickness to it. Now, I had to connect the central support structure to the lamp shade body. To do that, I created three thin rods, connecting the central support and the body. The thin rods have a diameter of about 0.5cm. Once the support structure is made, I exported it to a stl so that I can 3D print it.
Step 3: 3D Print Slicing Using Ultimaker Cura
Since the lamp is quite big in size the original print time came around to be 1 day, 9 Hours. Then I scaled down the lamp's height by 65%. I also reduced the quality of print to 0.28mm and reduced the infill amount to 10% making the final 3D Printing time to be around 18 hours.