Large Knex Weel Lift With Holes


Intro: Large Knex Weel Lift With Holes

OK, this is my new weel lift!

STEP 1: The Bottom Mechamism

First you'll make the bottom mechamism.

STEP 2: The Left Tower

Now you'll make the left tower

STEP 3: The Right Tower

Now you'll make the right tower.

STEP 4: The Wheel Holes

NOw you'll make the weel holes.

STEP 5: The Weel

Now you'll make the weel.

STEP 6: The Rest

Now you'll make the rest.


I made a vid but I still have to edit it.
There still isn't a vid... :D I like late comments lol :D
Oh, i forgot.......and i have no idea where the files are xD
how much blue rods doi need for this lift
never counted, sorry D:
kool! pics are too dark though...
:( Maby someone could make new (snd better) pics for the really dark ones.
meh, i dont really use my knex anymore...
just bored of them...
You will eventually become reenslaveed by the wonders of K'nex. :-P
lol, probably...
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