Customized Foot Print


Intro: Customized Foot Print

This instructable is an easy little customization if you have a lazer or dremel tool.

It is also a tribute to an awesome instructable by PaigeRussell.

Give it a look and see what you think

The tools and parts are pretty simple



I use a 40 watt laser I got off of ebay. It is not the most user friendly thing but it is ok for engraving.

STEP 1: The File

This is the bitmap file that I used for my cut

STEP 2: In the Cutter

I set the laser heat on about 11. This setting is a homemade dial. It more or less is about 55%. The speed is on 300 mm/sec. It engraves about an 1/8" deep.


could you explain how did you manage to hold the shoes in place in the laser cutter?

The cutter has a built in clamp. There is also about 4" below that high. So I just wiggled the croc below the clamp and used it to square up the shoe