Lazy Blender Kugelis


Intro: Lazy Blender Kugelis

Step by step how to make kugelis, the delicious Lithuanian and bacon casserole, the way your grandmother would never dream of. No grating, just using a blender.

STEP 1: Get Your Stuff Together

Assemble ingredients. 5 pounds Russet Idaho (they must be Idaho) potatoes, at least a pound of bacon, a couple onions, 4-5 eggs, evaporated milk (not sweetened condensed, ick!) salt and cinnamon. the picture has nothing to do with the recipe, I just thought you might like it. A blender, frying pan, peeler and a large pot and colander are needed too. and a knife and cutting board. Oh, and Farina and cooking spray.

STEP 2: Cut Bacon and Fry

Cut at least a pound of bacon into .5 inch strips and fry it up! just take the slab and cut it across the long strip way to make the pieces.

STEP 3: Peel and Cut Potatoes Into Semi Uniform Pieces

What I said in the title. put them in water so they don't go nasty brown.

STEP 4: Add Evaporated Milk to Bacon

Let the bacon cook and then shut it off, cool for a few minutes, then shake the shit out of the can of evap milk (it says so on the can) and then add it to the bacon and fat. Set aside til later. Let it cool.

STEP 5: Prep Onions and Pan

Cut up a couple onions. Spray a 9x13 pan with cooking spray and put some farina on it. Dust the bottom of the pan with the farina.

STEP 6: Drain Potatoes and Blend in Batches

Drain your potatoes.
In your blender, add a few handfuls of potatoes, some onions and 2 eggs. Add some salt and a dash of cinnamon. I don't know why cinnamon, just do it. Pulse until combined. Add more to the blender if you have a sweet Ninja like I do. I highly recommend it. crappier blenders mean more batches. Don't dump all of your stuff into the combining pot... see next step...

STEP 7: Blend Til You Are Done...

In batches, blend and add more potatoes, onions, salt and eggs and a dash of cinnamon each batch until your ingredients are done. pour your batches back into the big ass pot you had your water and potatoes in before. Pour it over your hand if you have a crappy blender and have chunks. reblend chunks.

STEP 8: Add Bacon, Ladle Into Pan, Cook.

Once you are done with your batches, add the bacon and evap milk to the mixture. Stir then ladle it into your prepared pan. Don't try to pour right away, because that shit will splash all over the place. Put it in a 450 degree oven for 30 minutes then drop the temp to 350. Cook another hour or until top is toasty brown.

STEP 9: Clean. Now.

Do the dishes. Potatoes have that starchy shit that will crust up and be nasty. Get it done!

STEP 10: Take It Out to Rest...

Once the top is toasty brown and the sides have pulled from the pan take it out of the oven and put it on a wet, cold towel. I don't know why, just do it. let it rest for about 10 minutes before cutting into pieces and serving with sour cream. Eat it up! Enjoy!

STEP 11: Eat and Enjoy!!


STEP 12:


LOL Love this! I have been making this for years and so did my mother....I haven't made it in awhile tho so was looking for the recipe and i swear after reading all the ones tonight, yours HAS to be the best i have seen yet! LOL Love it! Thanks so much! Making my batch tomorrow and again on Sunday...and YES I have a Ninja also! (not sure about that cinnamon tho lol) ;)

Oooo... This sounds and looks yummy. I might have to try a variation of it (have to swap in cauliflower for potatoes).