Introduction: Leather Bracelet for Man
I wanted an easy-to-make, rather masculine piece of jewelry that I can easily change the look.
I like to reuse recovery items. So I made an easy to put on and take off leather strap.
Step 1: Tools and Materials
Step 2: Taking Measurements
Step 3: Chopped Off
Cut the length plus 3 cm from an unused leather belt. Here I have kept the initial shape of the belt but it is possible to change it (rounded, at right angles ...).
I had recovered magnets from old hard drives. They are the ones who will be
used to close the bracelet. See how to collect magnets in this instruction
I position the first magnet at the end and glue it with neoprene glue. I let it dry, then I assemble.
Step 4: Second Magnet Glue
I measure or must place the second magnet and I add about 1 cm otherwise it tightens. Then I glue it with neoprene glue. I let it dry, then I assemble.
Step 5: Result
It's finish