Lego Base Plate (beach Connector)


Intro: Lego Base Plate (beach Connector)

STEP 1: Parts

-green 32x32 base plate
-blue 32x32 base plate
-5 tan 4x6 plate
-tan 2x4 plate
-tan 2x3 plate
-tan 1x3 plate

STEP 2: Placing

Place plate so 1 stud row hangs out and so it connects the two base platea

STEP 3: Adding

Add 2 more plates to the row

STEP 4: Tiny Plates

Place 2x4 against other plate and then
Place 2x3 next to that then on th vertical of those two place 1x3

STEP 5: Last

Then place last two plates next to 2x3 and 1x3

So that then the plate is hanging out one stud to connect to other plates