Introduction: Lego Ipod/Iphone/Ipad Stand!
Heres how to make a:
Lego Ipod/Iphone/Ipad stand!
Step 1: What You Need
You need a:
- 10x4 plate
- 2 1x1
- 1x6
- 4 1x2
- 4x2
- 6x2
- 8x2
None of them are plates unless i say "plate"
Step 2: Adding the Base
Take the 2 2x1 and 6x1 brick and use the images above to put it together
Step 3: Adding the Base Part 2
Use the 4x2 and the 6x2 bricks and put them behind the front of the stand. Use images above
Step 4: Adding the Second Layer of the Back
Use the 8x2 (the blue brick) and the other 2 2x1 (the yellow) at the other end of the piece you just placed
Step 5: Adding the Sides
Use both 1x1's on the edges to make sure the ipod/iphone doesnt fall out.
Step 6: You Did It!
Congrats! You made it!
If you want the device sideways, remove the 2 1x1's on the edges.
Remove the 2 1x1's if you have a ipad, make the stand a bit bigger if its a ipad.