Introduction: Lego Portal 2 Defective Turret
This design is based on my original turret design, recolored and simplified. This design, as implied in the title, is as seen in Portal 2. As stated in my previous how-to, I recently discovered Portal and loved it, despite its "age". I must inform viewers that, despite its apperance, this profile will not just be for portal stuff.
Also, feel free to check out my Facebook page, Epically Simple Brick Builds, where I cover my GLaDOS Boss Battle Lego MOC in its entirety.
2 black/grey 1x4 plates
2 grey 1x2 plates
3 black/grey 1x1 tiles/plates
1 black/grey stud
1 black 1x1 plate with hollow end stud
1 black 1x2 jumper plate
1 black/grey inverted tile
1 translucent red stud
Step 1: The Base
Start with one of your 1x4 plates.
Step 2: The Eye
Place the plate with hollow stud in the center of the 1x4, then place the red translucent stud atop the black plate.
Step 3: Cheating the System... Again
Place the remaining 1x1 plates in between the studs of the 1x4 plate. They should hold themselves in.
Step 4: Finishing Out the Body
Add the other 1x4 plate to the rear of the body. Then, attach the 1x2 plates with "normal" studs to the middle plate holding the 1x4s together.
Step 5: Front Legs
Place the 1x2 jumper plate on the bottom-front of the body, then add the inverse tile on top of the jumper plate.
Step 6: Rear Support Leg
Add the remaining black/grey stud to the bottom-back of the turret, then attach the remaining 1x3 as shown.