Lego Technic Inline 2 Engine


Intro: Lego Technic Inline 2 Engine

Hello I am back with another instructable and this time I will show you how to make a mini Lego Technic inline 2 engine

STEP 1: Get the Parts

You will need
2, beams (any size)
3 ,axles (minimum lenth shown in picture 2)
2 ,L shaped beams (the ones in the picture)
2 ,cylinder things(the grey things on the right)
10 ,black friction pins
2 ,small pulleys (the yellow wheel like things)
1, 8 tooth gear
1, 24 tooth gear
2 yellow things (shown in picture 3)
2 grey things (shown in picture 4)
1 tan piece (shown in picture 5)
2 piston heads (shown in picture 6)

STEP 2: Making the Frame

Join two of the grey cylinder things with the black pins
Put 2 black pins on either side of the cylinders
Put on the 2 beams
Take the L shaped beams and put on pins at the bottoms 1st and 3rd hole
Join the L shaped beams on the frame

STEP 3: Making the Pistons

Take the piston heads and join them with the grey things
Attach the pistons to the yellow an tan things (refer to picture 2)

STEP 4: Joining the Pistons to the Frame

Turn the frame over
Insert pistons
Take 1 axle and insert it into the yellow thing of the pistons
Take a yellow pulley and an axle
Insert the other axle slightly and attach the the pulley then connect it to the yellow thing of the pistons (refer to picture 4 for more info)

STEP 5: Increasing Speed

Attach the 8 tooth gear to one of the axles

Attach the other axel in the L shaped beam above the small 8 tooth gear and attach a pulley(refer to picture 2)

Attach the 24 tooth gear on the axle (refer to picture 3)


Hope you enjoyed my instructable


Thanks for telling me I didn't know