Lego Transformer Devastator


Intro: Lego Transformer Devastator

STEP 1: Dump Truck

STEP 2: Small Crane

STEP 3: Cement Mixer?

STEP 4: Antiaircraft Gun... It Fit the Transformation. Don't Blame Me.

STEP 5: Drilly Car

STEP 6: Bulldozer

STEP 7: Car, Nonspecific

STEP 8: Slightly Larger Crane

STEP 9: Big Bulldozer

STEP 10: Transformation

STEP 11: Combination


Its Devastator, the original. Bruticus came later.

pretty cool. Only thing: one leg sticks out more then the other. But still cool, like your bruticus!!

May be u could as some more light in the pics

not acurate, but all in all a nice model.

Devastator is actually the name of the transformer check out the end of rotf or the original series.