Introduction: Line Follower
An autonomous robot that follows a predetermined path.The path is a black trail on a white background (The reverse is also possible). The Infrared sensors sense the black path and it indicates Arduino and based on the combination of different IR- sensors, Arduino is programmed so that the DC motor rotates.
2.Motor Driver-L293D
3.IR-Sensors (8 Array IR -Sensor )
4.100RPM DC Motor (2)
5.Chasis(Body) with 2 Wheels
6.12v Battery
7.Connecting Wires
Pin No 4 ----- Left Motor IN1
Pin No 5 ----- Left Motor IN2
Pin No 6 ----- Right Motor IN1
Pin No 7 ----- Right Motor IN2
Pin No 8 ----- IR Sensor 1 Output
Pin No 9 ----- IR Sensor 2 Output
Pin No 10 ----- IR Sensor 3 Output
Pin No 11 ----- IR Sensor 4 Output
Pin No 12 ----- IR Sensor 5 Output
5v ------ IR Sensor Vcc
Gnd -------IR Sensor Gnd
Motor Driver
Battery - Motor Driver Battery Slot
2 Motor connected to motor slots
5v (output)--------- Arduino Vin
Gnd --------Arduino Gnd
Step 2: Sensitivity Calibration and Code
Once Everything is connected, the sensors are adjusted via the potentiometer (POT), by adjusting the POT the sensitivity is varied.
Code Logic
Right Turn -------- IR5=1 and rest 0------ Right motor stop, Left turn
Left Turn -------- IR1=1 and rest 0------ Left motor stop Right turn
Straight -------- All IR =0------ Right motor run, left motor run
Stop ------- All IR=1---------Right motor stop, left motor stop
More Information can be obtained from the Line Follower PDF's
Dump the code to the board and check its working