LinkIt ONE Radar Scanner


Intro: LinkIt ONE Radar Scanner

In this instructable I will show you how to create a radar using the LinkIt ONE microcontroller. This project originally came from How To Mechatronics but this instructable will show you how to build the project with the LinkIt ONE. This instructables does modify some of the aspects of the original project.

Link To Original Project

Let's Begin!

STEP 1: Materials Needed

1. LinkIt ONE micro controller
2. Sonar Module (I used SRF05 but the 04 will also work)
3. Breadboard
4. Female - Female cables
5. Male - Male breadboarding cables
6. Small Servo (And it's mounting stuff)
7. CardStock or think paper**
8. Hot Melt Glue**

1. Arduino IDE (1.6.4)
2. Processing 2.2.1

1. Sticky Tac (Highly recommended)
2. elastic bands (Again highly recommended)
3. 3D Printer (If you have then you wont need the stared materials above)

** Only needed if you don't have a 3D printer

STEP 2: Wiring!

Sonar Module:
1. Vcc on module to 5V on LinkIt
2. Trig on module to D9 on LinkIt
3. Echo on module to D11 on LinkIt
4. GND on module to GND on LinkIt
5. OUT on module to nothing

1. Ground Wire on servo (Usually Brown or Black) to GND on LinkIt
2. Positive wire on Servo (Usually Red or Orange) to 5V on LinkIt
3. Signal Wire on Servo (Usually Yellow) to D9 on LinkIt

Since there are multiple ground and 5V connection use the breadboard to combine them.

STEP 3: Software!

You will need to have the Arduino IDE with the linkIt ONE SDK Installed (More Info).

You Will also need Processing 2.2.1 (code may not work on newer versions but you can try, Comment if it does). Look to image above.

STEP 4: Code!

Below I have attached the arduino (.ino) file and the processing (.pde) files.

There is a few things you will have to do to the Radar_Processing File...
1. Change the COM port to the one that your LinkIt ONE device uses on line 16
2. Add a font (More details in the next step)

STEP 5: Radar_Processing.pde Font Adding

You need to add a new font by going to Tools --> Create Font and then selecting OCRAExtended (Near the bottom of the list)

STEP 6: Sonar Device Stand

Making the Stand

Option 1: 3D Printing

If you have access to a 3D printer you can simply print the file (.stl) I have provide below. Once you have printed the object some filing of the part may be required to make the female wire connectors into the slot as shown above as it was designed to fit them tightly.

Option 2: Card Stock

If you do not have a 3D printer you can easily just fold some card stock (Cereal Box) or cardboard to make a "L" shape and then use hot melt glue to attach the Female connectors that the sonar device plugs into. (Example of shape shown above with some paper) You can then just cut/poke a small hole in the stand for the screw to go through.

After you have created the stand either by printing it or making it, simply use the screw that comes with the servo to screw mount the stand onto the servo (As shown above) Be careful not to screw the screw in to tightly into the servo as it may cause the servo problems.

STEP 7: Assembly!

I mounted everything onto a single full size bread board just to keep it organised. I used Elastic bands and sticky tac to hold everything in place on the breadboard. This step should be pretty self-explanatory and you can look at the picture to see how I placed everything on mine.

STEP 8: Running the Programs!

Once you have completed all the steps all you need to do is upload the .ino code to your LinkIt ONE. Once you have uploaded the code and the LinkIt ONE is running, press the play button in the processing IDE which will then allow the Servo to start moving and will launch a new window in which it will display the data. (Picture of display window above from How To Mechatronics)

**Should be obvious but the LinkIt ONE must be plugged in and powered by your computer for the Processing program to work**

STEP 9: Enjoy!

You have now made you very own radar program like they had in submarines in the 60's! (Don't quote me on that lol) Have fun using it!


Again I didn't create the processing code. It was from the original project creator.