Loading Bar (Batch Programming)


Intro: Loading Bar (Batch Programming)

First copy and download my pictures for better view if isnt good now.

STEP 1: Step2.

Now just copy this code.
@echo off
color 0a
echo Û°°°                Û
echo Loading - 2%
ping localhost -n 2 >nul

STEP 2: Step3.

Adding a loop if you want. And what this does is basically just repeat the whole loading bar from Loading - 2%
Here's the code.
goto Load


if anyone needs help u can go to my instructable I have posted a basic batch file term list as a comment and u may ask me for help. Thanks
Not very helpful. Bit it is a useful code. What you need to add is a little more explanation. Some people may get confused.
Hello again. I'm glad you've published your first Instructable but I fear this isn't very informative; you gave them the tools, but not the knowledge to build it.

May I suggest you update your code with a different perspective:

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
color 0a
for /l %%i in (1,2,100) do echo Loading - %%i^% & ping localhost -n 2 >nul & cls
::More code here

That should get the same output except for the fancy characters around it (I'm sorry if I'm upstaging you a little).

Also, a little tip, try including something like "DOS", or "Batch file" to the tags, so it's more easily found.