Introduction: Loom Band Gem Charm

About: Hello, I'm Coolloom, and I love to make instructables. Please Visit, Comment and Like my instructables I visit everyday and post Instructables twice a month
Hey guys today I'm doing a loom instructable in ages. My other loom broke I bought a New one that is really big

Step 1: What Do We Need

Your loom

Rubber band color of your choice


Step 2: Setting Up Your Loom

So first take 2 rubber bands and place it diagonal like picture 1. And put two bands in front of the diagonal one 4 pegs ahead.And including put one diagonal. And do same with both side the center and right.

Step 3: Capping Bands

Make 2 capping bands with 3 twists. place it on the last and front leg.

Step 4: Hooking

Now turn your loom over and start from the the first peg to you, Then below the capping bands take the two bands from the bottom like pic one.Do it from inside the peg and hook it to the next peg continue from both sides

Step 5: Taking It Off

Take you big hook and put it inside the loom like picture 1.Put a rubber band on the hook and push it out,Now take it off with your hook