Lose Weight Easy and Eat Whatever You Want!


Intro: Lose Weight Easy and Eat Whatever You Want!

Hey Everyone!

I have the answer you are looking for to all of your diet and exercise problems. It's a No-DIET, NO-EXERCISE solution to weight problems for everyone. It's easy, so easy that you will hardly believe you are on a diet.

Ready now? Let's get started!

STEP 1: Visualize

Imagine you, thinner and happier. Your health is optimal, and you never have to struggle to find an outfit that wears well again. Visualizing is important, now to make yourself believe it! On to step two.

STEP 2: The Magic

Magic. Yes, that's what you need to get fit and healthy without any effort or self control. Anyone who tries to convince you otherwise is trying to sell you something. The disappointment here may be unpleasant, but it's one step closer than you were to good health and weight loss.

There is however some interesting information to follow in Step 3. Armed with an understanding of how your biological machine works, you can find or even crate a lifestyle that suits you. 

STEP 3: The Machine

Let's begin with understanding that food is energy and nutrients for our bodies. If we don't use the fuel that we put in it, our body will store it as fat. There is no way possible to target fat loss of any kind. This means if you want to lose weight on your belly ONLY, you will have to lose weight all over. Your body, based on a number of other variables may or may not have a tendency of gaining and losing from certain areas. Some of these variables are: stress, insulin sensitivity, hormonal, genetic predisposition.

For future reference, remember always, that targeted exercise will not result in weight loss in a given location. It will tone the muscles in the area only.

STEP 4: Everything Is Delicious!

If this is a problem for you, like it is for me, then it is time to take a look at what you are eating.

Very important to do from here on in:

-  Read and understand food labels. Be very skeptical of complicated language and look-up any words you don't understand (give it a try with some that you do... look-up "modified milk ingredients" and see what you find. How tasty does it sound?)


- Be very aware of the sometimes hidden calories in sauces and dressings. Read the food labels on everything. Just about nothing is calorie free.

- Really understand YOUR BODY'S specific calorie requirements. I recommend asking your health care provider in addition to your own research. Know that calculating requirements based on your pre-goal weight can be tricky. Follow the national guidelines while being very mindful of your energy output based on your own activity levels

- Get active! Hit the gym and take an aerobics class. Get on the elliptical at the gym for as long as you can (get some reading done while you're at it like me! Or use the time to watch TV). Take the stairs not the elevator. Walk to the corner store. Take a walk with a family member or neighbor.

Remember, to lose weight calories in must be less than calories used up. But don't resort to eating nothing but two donuts a day (roughly 600 calories) and thinking this is a good diet idea. Explore the varieties of healthy foods available and find ones you can use to replace the less healthy options.

Be sure that you are getting the nutrition you require while dieting. Multivitamins are great! Taking vitamins separately under medical supervision is great also. Make sure you understand how much of something your body needs and more-so with vitamin supplements, KNOW HOW MUCH IS TOO  MUCH.

STEP 5: Success

I wish you luck on your path, and courage and strength! Mostly the courage and strength. The courage to have self discipline, and the strength to resist the temptation to return to bad habits.

Self control is incredibly difficult to master. Pat yourself on the back every time you exercise it. Eventually, it will feel so good to have, it will become automatic to feel good every time you have to say no to bad habits.

Happy Dieting!


Good read.
I tried to lose weight using exercise method but i found it was way too much work for too little results. Then I stumbled across this site trypanda.com/21-day-sugar-detox and while I'm still not where I want to be, I'm making way more progress in two weeks than I did in 2 months with exercising.

I've been
size 10 all my life without even trying a lot. Recently I hit my 40th birthday.
And now i can see that i’m starting to gain weight. Soon i will need my
personal time zone. My metabolism is getting slower i guess. i hate working out
so decided to give weight loss supplements a shot. But there are so many…. My friend which is a
dietitian said that www.verified-forskolin.com is the best since it's verified
by a lot of studies. Maybe somebody tried it? Or should i try garcinia?

Eat less, more healthy, and you have to exercise at least 3 times a week.

I was afraid it would be another ad of phentermine. I read your article, I cannot agree with some statements, but some are usefull
in order to loose weight you have to gain less than you loose in a given time period.

in order to maintain your weight you have to gain equal to in food/fluid weight (actual weight) that you loose in a given time period.

in order to gain weight you have to eat more than you can loose in food/fluid weight in a given time period.

remember watch overheating yourself and inducing heat exhaustion and dehydration. much nonsense by the medical and dieting community on excersize and nutrition. dont believe me, grab a 700 calorie double quarter pounder with cheese and find out for yourself how utterly nonsensic people are.

im within 15 lbs of seeing my abs as a former overweight person. i eat what i want and stay sensible (obviously im not going to eat a candybar as a major food group, neither am i going to fatigue myself out eating low calorie foods with not much energy value).
your ideas are nonsense. how about using common sense. first off low calorie foods are good for lowering bloodpressure but dont expect much energy from them. many "low calorie" foods are not low caloric because they have large water content.

in order to loose weight and eat what you want your going to have to get off your behind and stop sitting down to do everything and simply walk at least 2 hours a day.

3500 calories does not equal 1lb, its a myth.
you may disprove this myth at your leisure by eating a double quarter pounder with cheese, at 700 calories youll gain 1lb per burger. 700 calories = 1lb.

in 45 min of stationary bike on level 3, enough intensity to sweat youll drop 1lb of bodyweight in a mid temp climate of 70-80 degrees at 700 calories as well.

the majority of weight loss is from fluid loss in my opinion water is lost largely doing cardio.

water also causes weight gain another myth at 1/2 lb per cup.

in order too loose weight you have to give enough time for your meal
including fluids that you ate and gained weight from to be lost through
fasting or excersize.

bellyfat is so hard to loose because likely the food in your stomach takes priority turning into stool and urine, then your body goes to work on bodyfat.

what your food weighs including fluids is the weight you gain when eating unless you give enough time to loose the weight of the meal you gained, keep stacking on the weight. its likely food is absorbed by the body as well as fluids and not all is lost through cardio or digestion increasing blood volume nutrients.

mild cardio is recommended by me, eat before or during your cardio and drink, rest when needed. inducing a fever is not healthy, it lowers your heartrate and can cause heat exhaustion, heatstroke and even a heart attack so its a good idea not to starve yourself and overdo cardio. never do cardio to fatigue or when fatigued. people should try and do 2 hours a day, keeping warm to avoid hypothermia and cold chills.

loosing weight is not healthy while neither is obesity, weight loss causes lowering of bloodpressure and fatigue wich is how people die of starvation.
its healthy to learn to maintain your weight, keep your bodytemps normalized and not overheat yourself. inducing a fever also causes mild to severe
dehydration symptoms depending on fever intensity and length, combatable by food, fluids, keeping dry and resting.

its healthy to learn to maintain your weight and weigh the same each day and loose a little at a time.

i maintain my weight at 1400 calories, 2 cups fluids, im 5'11. i eat/drink more if its hot out or im overtired, less if its cloudy or im inactive. activity levels and weather can speed and slow your weightloss.

people constantly loose weight, i drop weight at the rate of .2 lbs an hour wich is equal to 140 calories sitting down, this can change with weather, fever and activity levels.

it takes me 3 hours of fasting sitting down to drop the weight of a cup of water at 1/2 lb.

it takes me 6 hours to drop the weight of 1 mcdonalds hamburger sitting down.

this is why walking after a meal enough to drop mealweight is a good idea.

i also eat a small meal, food that lowers bloodpressure 3-4 hours before bed, i put 4-5 hours in between meals depending on my fatigue levels.

keep cool on off excersize time to avoid fatigue and dehydration symptoms and binge drinking weight gain.

meal stacking and fluid retention are major causes of obesity and general stupidity for the medical and excersize and diet community in not checking thier facts. meal stacking (not giving enough time for mealweight to be lost before eating again and eating oversized meals).

meals and fluid portions need to be small, you need to gain less than 1lb per meal.

its 70 calories per .1 on a digital weight scale for a total of ten =700 per 1lb.
fluid and bread values are completely incorrect and some low calorie vegetables and fruits. green beans are an example. for an apple or orange youll gain around 1.2 lbs per.

your body has no instructions with it, you dont have "i have to eat vegetables" printed anywhere on your body. your body needs calories and largely protein.
people eat and drink to maintain heartrate and energy levels so when your fatigued unnaturaly stop, eat, drink, rest and keep dry and cool. people thrive in temperature climates that avoid dehydration from weather of 55-65 degrees.