Love Letter in a Balloon


Intro: Love Letter in a Balloon

Do you want to show someone how much you love them this Christmas.

STEP 1: What You Need

You will need

Piece of paper

STEP 2: Stuff It In

Before blowing the balloon up, you need to write on a piece of paper and stuff it in

STEP 3: Blow It Up

Then you need to blow your balloon up and tie a knot

STEP 4: Write on It

Write what you like on the front

STEP 5: Pop Me

Give the balloon to them and enjoy


This is a lovely idea. I might just fill them with nice sayings or fortunes and let everyone pick one after Christmas lunch

just be aware that not everyone likes to pop balloons, some find it intimidating and even scary, so maybe that's not the mood you're going for.. for a friendly message maybe, but then, it depends on a person i guess.. though maybe not the heart shape?XD

just realised what a sassy way to break up with some cheater that would be: break the heart - find the message. bhahahaa!

This is a great idea. I am going to have to do this for my wife's birthday.