Low Carb and Sugar Free Peanut Butter Cups (Keto Friendly)


Intro: Low Carb and Sugar Free Peanut Butter Cups (Keto Friendly)

In this instructable we will show you how to make keto peanut butter cups. This low carb sugar free peanut butter cup recipe is really easy to make, using just a few ingredients. Like chocolate and peanut butter cups but you don't want all of those carbs? Try out these keto peanut butter cups, a great treat for someone wanting to be a bit more healthy. I am in my brother Jared's kitchen again. He has been on the keto diet for almost 7 months now, and he is loving the changes he has seen. He asked me to help him make some cooking videos that were all keto friendly. If we can make these, you can make them! Let's get started!

Don't forget to follow me and check out my other instructables. :)

If you have any questions or comments leave them down below and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Follow the easy steps below or watch the short video tutorial or do both! :)

STEP 1: Ingredients/Tools

Print the full recipe here if you like.


  • 1 1/4 to 2 cups (9 to 10 ounces) of sugar free chocolate chips (280 to 350g)
  • 1 Tbsp of coconut oil (15g)
  • 1 Cup of sugar free peanut butter (250g)
  • 1 to 1 1/2 cups of almond flour (100 to 145g)
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 Tbsp. xylitol sweetener


  • bowls
  • spoon
  • microwave or double boiler
  • paper cups
  • muffin pan

I did some calculations using this site: https://www.nutritionix.com/

This is what I came up with per peanut butter cup for Nutrition. In the ingredients list I put too much chocolate. In the video we only used 10 ounces or 1 1/4 cups of chocolate but you may need more or less depending on the size you make them. But then again my calculations could be super wrong as well. lol. The ones we made are huge, much bigger then the Reese's ones at the store. So these can certainly be made much smaller, like in the mini muffin pan size.

  • Carbs: 14.5 g (9 g Net Carbs)
  • Protein: 9.6 g
  • Fat: 27 g

Compare that to 1 package of 2 Reese's peanut butter cups:

  • Carbs: 24.9 g (23.3 g Net Carbs)
  • Protein: 4.6 g
  • Fat: 13.7

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STEP 2: Peanut Butter and Almond Flour

First we will start by adding our peanut butter into a bowl. I recommend starting with 1 cup of peanut butter or less depending on how many you would like to make. Next add in some almond flour and stir. We will continue to add almond flour until the mixture isn't too sticky anymore. In traditional homemade peanut butter cups we would be adding powdered sugar instead of almond flour.

STEP 3: Add That Sweetener

Now we add in our xylitol sweetener to the peanut butter and almond flour mixture and stir it in. Next we add more almond flour as needed. It should be at a point when you touch it with your finger it doesn't stick. With that said, you can add more or less according to your tastes.

STEP 4: Melt That Chocolate

Now we need to melt our sugar free chocolate chips. You can use the double boiler method or use the microwave. If using the microwave melt the chocolate in a microwave safe bowl, on bursts of 30 seconds, stirring in between, I generally use the defrost setting. For the double boiler method get a small pot and fill it with about an inch of water. Turn the stovetop burner on medium and let the water heat up. Place another bowl on top and put the chocolate in that. Make sure to add the coconut oil and pinch of salt to the chocolate. Stir fairly frequently until the chocolate melts.

STEP 5: Fill, Fill, Fill, Chill

Now take a muffin pan large or mini, and add paper cups. Next fill up the bottom of them with a bit of chocolate, about a tsp. or two. Next add in about a tablespoon of peanut butter depending on the size that you are making. Then come back and add some chocolate on top of that. Now you can tap the pan on the counter to help everything level out. Next chill them in the freezer or refrigerator until the chocolate sets. It will take 20 to 30 minutes. :) They are ready to serve. Enjoy! :)

STEP 6: Video Tutorial

Now watch those steps in action by checking out the short video tutorial. :)


My girlfriends and I made this and it was a hit! We did not have xylitol so we used honey. Is that still keto friendly though? Anyway, thank you! They were not as cute as yours but it did not really matter once in the mouth! :D
That is awesome! Actually no, honey is not "Keto" approved, but it is healthier then straight sugar I imagine. lol You are so very welcome. Glad you made them and liked them. :)
Is there anything else you can use instead of chocolate? (I have the saddest allergy ever...to chocolate).
But then they wouldn't be peanut butter cups. :) Sorry you have an allergy to chocolate. :( What about the candy melts are you allergic to them as well?
I put the ingredients into the Very Well Fit nutrition calculator and it's coming up with nearly 18 grams of carbs, assuming 12 servings from the recipe! That was about as much as I could make with my standard size muffin tin. That seems like a LOT of carbs even in this recipe. Is this right or am I calculating something wrong?
I did some calculations using this site: https://www.nutritionix.com/
This is what I came up with per peanut butter cup. In the ingredients list I put two much chocolate. In the video we only used 10 ounces or 1 1/4 cups of chocolate. But then again my calculations could be super wrong as well. lol. You made them so you know how huge they are, much bigger then the Reese's ones at the store. So these can certainly be made much smaller, like in the mini muffin pan size.
Carbs: 14.5 g (9 g Net Carbs)
Protein: 9.6 g
Fat: 27 g

Compare that to 1 package of 2 Reese's peanut butter cups
Carbs: 24.9 g (23.3 g Net Carbs)
Protein: 4.6 g
Fat: 13.7
What chocolate chips did you use? The only sugar-free version I could find was Hershey's which still has 7g of malitol per serving, which is still considered a carbohydrate. For 12 servings I'm coming up with 18.7g total carbs, 14.7g if you don't count fiber, or 6g if you also don't count the malitol. Diet Doctor says it's almost as bad sugar. Any other sugar free chocolate chip options?
I used the Hershey's. I am not sure if there are any other sugar free chocolate chip options, but you don't have you use chocolate chips, you can use any sugar free chocolate you find. :)
Do you have a calorie/carb count per peanut butter cup on these?
No I don't sorry. The carb count though is probably right around 3 to 4 carbs per peanut butter cup, depending on the size you make them.
Thanks for the update and for the tip on the site you used to calculate the nutrition of dishes that we make. It will certainly be a lot of help in the future.
I finally got around to doing some calculations. My estimate was way off that I told you before. :)
I did some calculations using this site: https://www.nutritionix.com/
This is what I came up with per peanut butter cup for Nutrition. In the ingredients list I put too much chocolate. In the video we only used 10 ounces or 1 1/4 cups of chocolate but you may need more or less depending on the size you make them. But then again my calculations could be super wrong as well. lol. The ones we made are huge, much bigger then the Reese's ones at the store. So these can certainly be made much smaller, like in the mini muffin pan size, if so they would be less about half of what I have here.

  • Carbs: 14.5 g (9 g Net Carbs)
  • Protein: 9.6 g
  • Fat: 27 g
Compare that to 1 package of 2 Reese's peanut butter cups:
  • Carbs: 24.9 g (23.3 g Net Carbs)
  • Protein: 4.6 g
  • Fat: 13.7
How many grams of carbohydrates are in each peanut butter cup?
I finally got around to doing some calculations. My estimate was way off that I told you before. :)
I did some calculations using this site: https://www.nutritionix.com/
This is what I came up with per peanut butter cup for Nutrition. In the ingredients list I put too much chocolate. In the video we only used 10 ounces or 1 1/4 cups of chocolate but you may need more or less depending on the size you make them. But then again my calculations could be super wrong as well. lol. The ones we made are huge, much bigger then the Reese's ones at the store. So these can certainly be made much smaller, like in the mini muffin pan size, if so they would be less about half of what I have here.

  • Carbs: 14.5 g (9 g Net Carbs)
  • Protein: 9.6 g
  • Fat: 27 g
Compare that to 1 package of 2 Reese's peanut butter cups:
  • Carbs: 24.9 g (23.3 g Net Carbs)
  • Protein: 4.6 g
  • Fat: 13.7
I don't know for certain, because it will vary depending on the size you make them, how much chocolate you put in and peanut butter mixture, etc. But it is probably around 3 to 4 carbohydrates.
I had no idea that almond flour was so expensive but can understand why. Can coconut flour be used as well? Thanks and by the way, I found the sugar free chocolate chips at Walmart.
Yeah almond flour can be expensive. You can probably use coconut flour as well. Normally when making peanut butter cups I use powdered sugar to get the peanut butter the consistency I want. And normal chocolate/chocolate chips. haha.
One thing you could try is do everything as is, but leave out the artificial sweetener.
Here's a rough estimate for the nutritional values for the ingredients shown:
Calories: 3730, Fat: 277 g, Carbs: 247 g, Protein: 120 g.

Using 1 Tablespoon of the Peanut Butter mixture should make about 16 cups.
Calories: 233, Fat: 17 g, Carbs: 15 g, Protein: 7g

Reese's Milk Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups have
Calories: 210, Fat 13: g, Carbs: 24 g, Protein: 5 g

Just thought it would be an interesting comparison; lower carbs but higher fat.

OOPS! a minor miscalculation. Using one tablespoon of the peanut butter
and almond flour mixture would produce 32 - 40 cups. (16 would be for
peanut butter alone.)

Calories: 117, Fat: 8.5 g, Carbs: 7.5 g, Protein: 2.5g

That is a definite improvement over the commercial product. With this, as a diabetic, I am considering making some of these.

Thanks for the article.
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