Lowrider Chopper Bike, Made of Old Bikes


Intro: Lowrider Chopper Bike, Made of Old Bikes

In this Instructable you can see how to make a cool chopper/lowrider bike the cheapest way with some old bikes. Watch the bike down below, I just made it with two old bikes and some iron pipes.
I got the idea from another Instructable, watch the link below:

Link to the blog:

Instructable and bike made by: Jiri van Dalen

For: The make class, Willem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam

STEP 1: What You Need


- At least two old bikes, one bike is also possible but gives your design lesser freedom.
- Bikes need to have two good wheels, the best is to have two different sizes. Notice: you should use a front and a rear wheel.
- Front fork
- Good working pedals
- Two bicycle chains
- Four meters of iron pipes
- Spraypaint
- Sheet iron
- Saddle
- Handlebars
- Keep the spare parts of the bikes, you could use them to finish your bike.


- Welding materials
- Ironsaw
- Handtools
- Grindtool

STEP 2: Take the Bikes Apart With Handtools.

The first thing you do is taking the bikes apart and look what materials you can use.
See the material list.
Take them apart with the handtools, later you're going to saw.

STEP 3: Saw the Pieces You Need

Now you can saw the right pieces you need from the frame and the front fork.
Saw with a iron saw and mark the place where you're going to saw.

STEP 4: Try to Fit the Parts Together and Start Welding.

Try to fit the frame parts together and measure it comparing your body.
Saw the pipes in the correct length.
Start welding the different parts together step by step.
Last welding job: extension of the front fork, use two iron pipes of the same length.
Watch out: Keep the frame straight and the wheels should be in line.

STEP 5: Put the Bike Together.

Complete the bike by putting the different parts together and watch if everything fits well.

STEP 6: Paintjob

Start by cleaning the bike carefully and take the bike apart.
Start painting with a spraycan of the color you like.

STEP 7: Finishing the Bike.

When the paint is really dry, you can put al the parts together again.
Last step is lengthen the chain by nailing the two pieces together and putting it in place on the bike.
Now the bike is ready to ride, only watch out you don't have brakes.

STEP 8: Movie and Links


nice bike i have some plans for a custom bike u might wont to make! if u want em privet message me!
Hey I realize it’s been awhile since you posted this but if you still got the plans for that bike I’d like to see them if you don’t mind I’m making a low rider/ chopper for something to do this winter and needed and idea message me on messenger if you read this and are willing to share your idea
My messenger is j3buzzsmitherz

Nice, but put an engine in this thing and put apehangers on it for handlebars.

alot of work to get something you want
all it nneds is a friction drive wwedeater engine setup
The bike looks good, but I hope you didn't trash the LeRun you got that seat off of.
Couple of bits of pedantry: Take the bike apart BEFORE cleaning it, as you'll have to clean where they've been, anyway. Also, why no sign of primer/undercoat? It does serve a purpose - Red Oxide slows rust, grey and white help your colour 'pop'.(the paint manufacturers will recommend one or the other for each colour, but experimentation can work well). Personally, I tend to use the Red Oxide first, then the grey, and finish with the white - the number of coats depending on how bright or rich I want my finish. And a clear (and, indeed, a not so clear) lacquer will protect you paint job,, as well as giving it more shine and depth. Anyway, those are picky things (probably because I haven't watched the video) - as others have said, "It's a chopper, therefore it's good". If I had them, you'd get FOUR thumbs up (and still I'd wish for more)!
The welding on the video was helpful. I may attempt this.
congratulations ! Nice and well done "teenager's bike" indeed but does not look very comfortable for the biker + lack of power (?). and what about aerodynamic when riding ?
Who the frick cares about aerodynamics and power! It's a chopper!
lilpep...and so on, Please consider the facts : driver is not in good position to push the pedals for acquiring some speed whithout getting soon tired and with the hands at eyes height he catch all the wind as if he was an "entonnoir". But, indeed, you are right, it's a chopper, even a Great " Wind Chopper" even if I found it fine and well done. Thank you for your comment.
you could use bikes with coaster brakes...just a thought
This one trick bike man!
nice ride.. when you refer to iron pipes, and sheet iron, i am presuming you mean steel?
I think so,mine has Lite Steel written on the handlebars
nice bike, might look better with a smaller front wheel i guess. ;)
it shouldn't be that hard to configure a set of brakes for the bike. just grab an old U-Brake caliper, measure and drill the holes and you should be fine. finding a cable may be a little difficult, so shop around and I would advise against having front brakes. because of the extra length on the bike, you would probably lose balance and the tail might kick out while braking. the brakes, and 8" rise bars, and it should be close to perfect
Nice bike dude!
is the bike hard to steer? are chopper bikes sensitive?
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