Luggage Tag


Intro: Luggage Tag

Whether you travel near or far, the most annoying part of travelling is always trying to find your bag on the luggage carousel at the airport. Everyone seems to have the same black suitcase, making it near impossible to tell which is yours.

This home-made luggage tag is the perfect solution. Easy and quick to make, you can personalise your tag with anything you wish. Use a patterned tape or a brightly coloured ribbon so that next time, you have no trouble picking your bag out from the crowd.

STEP 1: Collect Materials and Equipment


Duct Tape ( I used a patterned tape that I easily found in the craft section of a cheap craft shop )







Collect the cardboard and scissors.

Cut out a rectangle of cardboard the size that you want your luggage tag to be.

I chose to measure my rectangle out with a ruler, however you can always trace a tag that you already have.


Collect the plastic, cardboard rectangle and scissors.

Place the cardboard rectangle on top of the plastic and cut around it to make a plastic rectangle the same size.

Set the plastic rectangle aside.


Collect the cardboard rectangle and the duct tape.


Wrap a strip of duct tape around the top of the cardboard rectangle, ensuring that it covers both sides.

Ensure that the corners of the duct tape match the corners of the cardboard, so that you get a neat end product.


Repeat previous step on the bottom half of the cardboard.


Collect your cardboard and plastic rectangles.

Place the plastic rectangle on top of the cardboard so that all sides match evenly.


Measure out a strip of duct tape the same size as the long edges of the cardboard.


Cut the strip of duct tape in half lengthways, as shown in the image above.

STEP 10:

Carefully place one strip of duct tape on the top of the cardboard and plastic, so that half sticks to the plastic and the other half hangs over the edge.

Carefully flip the cardboard over, so that the plastic is now on the bottom, and fold the other half of the duct tape over to the back.

If your strip of duct tape was too long, simply cut the ends off with the scissors once it has been folded over.

STEP 11:

Repeat Step 10 on the bottom of the luggage tag, with the remaining strip of duct tape.

STEP 12:

Measure out a strip of duct tape the same size as the short edges of the cardboard.

Cut the strip of duct tape in half lengthways, as shown in the image above.

STEP 13:

Carefully place one strip of duct tape on the top of the cardboard and plastic, so that half sticks to the plastic and the other half hangs over the edge.

Carefully flip the cardboard over, so that the plastic is now on the bottom, and fold the other half of the duct tape over to the back.

For this step, only tape one end of the tag closed as there needs to be an opening to insert the name tag.

STEP 14:

Using the scissors, or another sharp tool, carefully make a hole in the open end of the luggage tag, as shown in the image above.

STEP 15:

Write your personal details on a piece of paper and slip it into the luggage tag, between the cardboard and the plastic.

STEP 16:

Collect the ribbon, scissors and luggage tag.

Cut a length of ribbon large enough that when folded in half, the luggage tag will fit through the middle.

STEP 17:

Thread the ribbon through the hole in the top of the tag and tie a double-knot to hold in place.

Tie the lose ends together to make a loop.

STEP 18:

Your luggage tag is complete!

Attach to your bag and your ready for your next holiday!