Introduction: MAT 594X: Week 1 Rhino

I am completely new to building stuff on Rhino and Grasshopper. This was my first attempt building something mainly using parameters. All the basic code was taken from Jennifer Jacobs course at UCSB.

Step 1: Grasshopper and Rhino

The workflow I ended up creating in Grasshopper looks like this. It uses the python script to create a set of points, based on the parameters given to it. Then it uses two different ways to connect those points, one on the basis of a certain threshold, the other using Delaunay Edge Connector. Edges created with both these methods are then extruded where the edges created using Delaunay have a lower height. Finally those extruded surfaces are unsuccessfully combined using the surface union method. Surprisingly the boolean union in Rhino also did not work properly.

Step 2: Rhino

The model looks like this in Rhino. The top view reveals the pattern. Once all these surfaces are extruded, they are baked into Rhino. Once baked the Model is exported in stl which is later then imported to Ultimaker Cura.

Step 3: Ultimaker Cura

This is how the model looks in Ultimaker Cura. Cura shows crazy time (about 7 hrs) to print the model.