
Intro: MINECRAFT Troll House

Hello. Remember when I made a hideout instructable. Well my friend found my diamonds so I will show you how to troll others!

STEP 1: House

Now, you must make a house with 9 blocks inside.

STEP 2: Pictures

Now make pictures and the door for the entrance.

STEP 3: Cobwebs and Lava

Now the simple part is explode the bottom of the floor for a big space and place the lava and cobwebs.

STEP 4: Thanks!

Thanks for viewing! As always comment for what I should do next. Join the cat side!


Thank you everyone because I reached my goal for getting more than 6,700 viewers!
I will join the cat too! I have a suggestion though. Can you teach us how to troll people using the Herobrine skin and how to make our usernames be gone without crouching?
I can't get the secret door to work can u help!??