Macrame's Story


Intro: Macrame's Story

Let' s enjoy :)

STEP 1: Pretty Woman, She Look at the Sky

P.S. Find the center of the paracord and form the loop at the center

STEP 2: She Is Shying

STEP 3: She Is Thinking

STEP 4: And Crossing Her Arm

STEP 5: Then, Lighter Insert to Her Hug :O

STEP 6: Pretty Woman Reform Herself

STEP 7: Put Her Right Hand Under Her Left Hand

STEP 8: Pull Her Left Hand Underneath Lighter But Upper Her Right Arm

STEP 9: She Is Stronger!!

STEP 10: Flipflop Her Hand Again (converse Side)

STEP 11: More and More Stronger!!!

STEP 12: Pretty Woman Successful Overwhelm Lighter

STEP 13: Cut Her Surplus

STEP 14: Glen Fire at Her Bottom

STEP 15: Happy Ending Story :)


Cutest instructable i have ever seen.