Macramé Spiral Earrings - How to Make Knitted Earrings Patterns With Pearl Beads


Intro: Macramé Spiral Earrings - How to Make Knitted Earrings Patterns With Pearl Beads

Macramé is all the rage again, and it isn't restricted to make wall hangings any longer. So I can't wait to share you this macramé spiral earrings. While making the knitted earring patterns, you'll merely be asked to learn two traditional Chinese knots: the larks head knot and half hitch knot. Now, follow me to learn how to make knitted earrings!

STEP 1: Materials Needed to How to Make Knitted Earrings Patterns

STEP 2: Start to Make the Macramé Spiral Earrings

1st, cut off 3 pieces of nylon thread that all measure about 100cm;

2nd, use one nylon thread as the holding thread, another two threads as the working thread, and then use each working threads to tie a larks head knot around the holding thread;

3rd, add a jump ring to the left holding thread;

4th, place the left holding thread over the four working threads, use the four working threads to tie four half hitch knots over the holding thread as pictures show;

5th, use the rest one nylon thread to tie a half hitch knot as well.

STEP 3: Make the Basic Pattern for Knitted Earrings

1st, use the leftmost nylon thread as the working thread, tie four half hitch knots over it;

2nd, slide a 4mm pearl bead onto one nylon thread as picture shows, and then use the thread tie a half hitch knot over the working thread again;

3rd, continue to repeat this basic knitted patterns 25 times to form the macramé spiral.

STEP 4: Fasten the Knitted Earring Patterns

1st, use the leftmost thread as the holding thread, tie a half hitch knot over it;

2nd, overlap the leftmost thread and the previous holding thread together as the holding threads, tie a half hitch knot again, and cut one holding thread;

3rd, continue to tie another two half hitch knots in the same method as process 2nd in this step;

4th, slide a 4mm pearl bead onto the rightmost thread, and use the thread to tie a half hitch knot in the same method.

STEP 5: Finish the Macramé Spiral Earrings

1st, cut off the extra threads, and use lighter to fix the end if necessary;

2nd, attach an earring hook to the top jump ring.

STEP 6: Final Look of the Knitted Macramé Spiral Earrings


Thank U. Have a nice try!