Introduction: Magical Banana "Ice Cream"

About: Follow twins, Annelise and Julia, and big sister, Rachel, as they create fun crafts and delicious snacks! Look for regular appearances by our dumbo rats, Sugarplum, Honeybun & Hazelnut, and our tuxedo cats…

Learn how to make 3 different, delicious flavors of “ice cream” from frozen bananas with Annelise and Julia. You'll hardly believe how yummy they are! Happy Crafting!

For the Maple Pecan flavor, you will need:

Frozen bananas

Maple syrup



Chopped pecans

For the Very Berry flavor, you will need:

Frozen bananas

Maple syrup



Frozen berries

For the Chocolate Chocolate Chip flavor, you will need:

Frozen bananas

Maple syrup




Chocolate Chips

Tips: Chop your bananas into chunks approximately 1” wide and freeze in a single layer on a cookie sheet. If your food processor has a hard time with the frozen bananas, you can let them defrost for 10-15 minutes before processing. As you can see, we add our ingredients without measuring, but if you need more specifics, start with approximately 2-3 T of milk, 1 tsp. vanilla and 1 T. maple syrup for each 2 bananas you use.

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