Introduction: Magnetic Burr Holder

About: Retired and I make stuff

I use a Dremel type tool a lot and always sit in a comfortable chair with my workmate set up and I have made up a magnetic holder for the burrs I use most, a simple and easy idea that helps stop dropping burrs onto the floor

Step 1: Tools and Materials

Magnetron magnet from an old microwave,

An old piece of oak broom handle

Belt sander turned upside downand held in the workmate

Step 2: Build & Conclusion

Ok build is a little laughable. The magnet from the microwave is easy to get BUT I never touch the capacitor with my hands as it can hold a charge, do not do this if you aren't totally capable.

The broom handle I rounded both ends down, this took seconds only, just enough to tap the magnet onto the peg so it held, same applied to the end going into the workmate, these are pretty strong magnets and are perfect I have them on the walls to hold Allen keys etc in place so they don't get lost.

I find this works perfectly it takes up no space and can hold lots of burrs'

Thank you for taking the time to look and I hope it can help someone.