Make It Real Challenge 2021


Intro: Make It Real Challenge 2021

my entry into the make it reel contest

STEP 1: The Front

so when I built this gym I need to start somewhere so I decided that I was going to do the front first so I designed it after my Minecraft house.

STEP 2: Reseption Desk

so when you walk into the gym you're put in a waiting room/reception area so I made a desk and a water cooler because there would always be water at a gym.

STEP 3: Coffee/smoothie Bar

so to promote eating healthy I decided to make a place where people could get coffee and smoothies.

STEP 4: Weight Zone / Start on Second Story

so here I made a zone for people to lift smaller weights ie. dumbells, medicine balls, etc and laid down the framework for the second story.

STEP 5: Second Story + House Tour

so for the second story, I made a couple of lockers to put stuff in to and made some treadmills.