Introduction: Make Your Own DIY Piano Using IC555!

About: Hi, I'm Nemeen, Electronics Enthusiast! I have seen a huge decline in electronics hobbyist in past few years. I started this channel in order to inspire you to create. Hopefully, you will find something that …

In this tutorial, I'll show you how you can make DIY Piano by connecting IC555 timer in ASTABLE multivibrator Mode with variable frequency to a speaker. The piano is a wonderful musical instrument and one can make a cheap one using IC555 timer. This concept of the piano is achieved by making the timer generate 5-15 different kind of sounds. The different sounds are generated through timer by allowing it to run as a free-running mode or astable mode or square wave mode, with variable frequency output option.

So without any further ado Lets built it!


Step 1: Watch the Video!

if you don't want to read all the stuff you can watch my video!

Step 2: Schematic and Working!

The star of this project is IC555 timer using which we will generate the PWM signal of different frequency. Whenever any switch is pressed all the resistors add up in series and completes the circuit and we get the PWM signal for that switch

Suppose Switch 8 is pressed, then resisters from R5 to R11 will add up and we will get the PWM for that switch. if you wish to learn more about how to generate PWM signal using IC 555 timer then check out my previous Instructables Post -

Step 3: Making PCB!

Since I had the Schematic ready, I converted it to the PCB and ordered mine from because they are cheap, anyways I will be giving these PCB to some of my students so it's easy for them to replicate!

I have attached the Gerber files just in case you are interested in PCB.

Step 4: Soldering!

Once I had the PCBs I gathered all the components and started to solder them, starting with Pushbuttons followed by resistors then all capacitors and finally IC base.

Once that was complete I inserted the IC555 into the socket connected a 4ohm speaker gave it 12v power and this project was complete!

Step 5: Thank You!

So that's pretty much it for this tutorial guys, If you like my work consider checking out my YouTube channel for more awesome stuff:

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