Make Your Own Dehydrated Water


Intro: Make Your Own Dehydrated Water

Are you tired of carrying heavy water bottles with you to the gym or when hiking?  Well, I have the solution to your problem - dehydrated water!  Dehydrated water takes up a fraction of the space of regular water and is so light you will feel like you are carrying nothing at  all.  And best of all, it is so easy to make anyone can do it.  So, read on and I will tell you how to make your own dehydrated water and how to rehydrate it when you are ready to drink.

STEP 1: Materials

A pot
Clean drinking water
Storage container (an empty water bottle works well)

STEP 2: Dehydrate the Water

Fill your pot with clean drinking water.  Tap water works fine or you can use bottled water.  Bring the water to a boil on the stove.  Continue boiling until all the liquid is evaporated.  What you have left is dehydrated water.  Now simply pour the contents into the storage container of your choice.  Dehydrated water does not take up much space so it can be stored in tiny containers but I find it best to put it straight into a water bottle.  That way you do not have to carry an extra container with you and can use the water bottle to hold the rehydrated water.  The next step will explain the rehydrating process.

STEP 3: Rehydrate

Rehydrating your dehydrated water is very simple.  All you have to do is add clean drinking water to the container holding the dehydrated water.  It should rehydrate instantly.  If you wish you can give the container a shake to be sure none gets stuck to the bottom, but this is not really necessary.  Now it is ready to drink and guess what?  It will probably taste better because you made it yourself!


How long does it last? Will it stay fresh?
yes this helped me climb mount everist my friend nearly died but i had my de hidraeted water with me we the climbed dow in would have brought a oil rig full of water with me but dis saved my friends life dis man has my respects he is as great as jesus and stalin and i adore him hw should be president and held in high asteme i owe him my life and love him
I see the Google Carrier Servicers are back. :\

I'm gonna be literal with my comment. You just described distilled water, if you had collected the steam water. My favorite water.

But you had mineral water before you boiled. That's excellent! And finally someone outs what the sketch meth-ane cooks were also cooking the past few decades. I knew the tap water wasn't quite clean, even if it was. It is silicone water! I guess it's good, although I thought fluoride was "the" additive for America. Silicone is kinda ferromagnetic though.

Personally, adding water to that aluminum canteen is just the same without all the boiling. Ignore anyone who says aluminum is toxic: I eat the stuff daily to keep my pH high and its my favorite! Audi and Jaguar do concur.

Lead was good for tap water too. No joke. We should bring it back.

I was going through the back instructibles and came across this one. I don't know how I missed it before. I have been doing this for quite a while, but I always rehydrate using hydric acid, hydroxic acid, hydroxyl acid, or hydroxilic acid, whichever I happen to have on hand. When none of these are available, I will substitute dihydrogen monoxide (DHMO).Cautious handling of all of these is advised, though, as they are all a major component of acid rain, a major industrial solvent, and cause rusting of steel. Even after thorough washing, residue will remain. They can contribute to electrical malfunctioning, and are used as a fire retardant. In their pure states, they are odorless, tasteless, and transparent in small quantities. The FDA considers them to be nontoxic if ingested in "reasonable" quantities. if ingested,can cause the body to produce urine. However, if inhaled, can be fatal. Both the greater Atlanta water supply and the Chicago water supply were tested recently, and both were found to have hydric acid in huge quantities present in all their reservoirs. There is no known way to separate hydric acid from water. I have been drinking hydric acid for years, and have not found any harmful side effects.

Yes, I too have recently discovered the convenience of using dihydrogen monoxide as the rehydrating agent. I had a special container made up to prevent anyone from accidentally ingesting though. Safety first!

I need you to cease and desist with this instruct-able. We hold the patent on dehydrated water and have been selling it, along with canned Mid-Western Winter air to the Chinese for many years now. If they see this post it will greatly affect our business. You are only allowed to educate fitness fanatics of this discovery. Have a nice day.

For the enhanced version, obtain some sort of flavoring and add it to the container before rehydration.

Great potential for raising a LOT of money on Kickstarter.

You need a plastic prototype including a small computer, sources in China to manufacture it, a group of conspirators and an extremely well made video. Should raise millions like the solar panel highway.

I used to joke about doing this but now you have made it a reality!

Better keep this information out of the hands of Congress. They're liable to launch a multi-billion dollar study to determine if it is safe and useful for our military.

Awesome! Now I will never go thirsty again while trekking through the Sahara desert.

Use a bottle of dehydrated ice to keep the water in, then you do not have to take the bottle.
Since you don't have to worry about pesky surface tension, dehydrated water can be poured into any sized opening without spilling so there is no mess.
Love it! And think of the money you'll save!
i dont like all the chemicals they put into dehydrated products these days. i tried this tonight and had good results. i hear that dehydrated water is very hygroscopic so you may need to stir with a wooden spoon to avoid clumping when rehydrating.
Guess what. There is enough dehydrated water in the atmosphere around us. You can safe few minutes of your time .... (and I am serious now).. by rehydrating the empty bottle! The molecules of dehydrated water will be sucked out of the surrounding air and bound by the hygroscopic liquid you pour in the container. Try it - that works!
Totally agree! This is really great idea! I use it for all my backpacking trips.
I have a 500ml aluminium water bottle which I use for rehydration process and I keep the dehydrated water safely stored in small ziplock bags (I carry some more of them than I should need - just to be safe).
And I have a nice trick that I've learned from my grandpa: after longer storage, dehydrated water looses its freshness and becomes insipid. To overcome this I add about 50ml of rectified spirit for each 250ml of water during the rehydration. Then I mix it well and wait about 10min. The taste is then much better.
Best regards and good luck!
I prefer a 1:4 ratio for insipidness...but in the end your Grandpa is a very wise man!
The higher ratio the better :-) But spirit (although it's highly concentrated and almost dehydrated) takes a lot of cargo space and is quite heavy :-(
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