Make Your Own Magnetic Sculpture


Intro: Make Your Own Magnetic Sculpture

How to make an cheap desktop toy that will amuse for hours!

STEP 1: Parts

I'm almost positive everyone has the supplies to build this around their house.

- Project Box (mine was circular)
- A Few Magnets
- Some Nuts


STEP 2: Construction

Well, Its pretty simple.
Grab your magnets, and start up your hot-glue gun.
Apply some glue to your magnets and stick them to the inside of your project box.

STEP 3: Sculpt!

Grab your nuts, and build things..
Depending on the strength of your magnets, you can make pretty tall structures.
Its a pretty simple concept with many different applications.


Don't hot-glue gun yer magnets, mateys! It gonna weaken the magnet. I suggest you use wood glue.
My nuts aren't magnetic... Bad bun hehe... So I don't have a project box.
LOL!!.Please dont say that it hurts already...
I gotta do this so badly! I just bought super power neodymin(?) magnets. They pinched me.
Haha, i like it! Step three is funny ;D "Grab your nuts, and build things.." and can be taken the wrong way :P
is that why mine wont stick to the board? i use ho glue, so it might be a permant scukpture, and now i am in pain a lot. You can use aloe for burns, right? jk xD
That's cool! I hope I'll find some magnets to do this...
I see a certain robot in the background.
I love to make these. It's an addictive time-waster and those are the best kind. I just need a magnet, I have a bunch of nuts and washers and screws.
Thats really cool and it ends up looking like something you'd spend a lot of money on at a shop. Really creative.
The end result is maddeningly addicting.