Make a Keychain Out of Anything. Cheap N' Easy!


Intro: Make a Keychain Out of Anything. Cheap N' Easy!

In this instructable, I'll show you guys how to make just about anything into a nifty keychain.

Tired of your old, dull, boring keychain? Stop having a boring keychian, stop having a boring life! You need a ~~SlapChop~~ pimped out keychain!

STEP 1: You Need:

- A Drill (9 times out of 10 there's one in your garage or somewhere else in the house)
You don't need anything special. We used a ordinary drill and we could driller right trough a dice, a eraser, a penny, and a Tech-Deck skateboard.

- A Chain (You can buy this at a local craft store OR substitute dental floss for a chain, it works.)
You only need 1 chain, as you can put all your keychains on the same chain.

- A Object to use as a Keychain (Sorry, you can't use a vacuum cleaner or turkey-salad sandwich.)
If it's not made of diamond I'm sure you can drill a hole through it.

STEP 2: Get Your Stuff

Get whatever you want to make into a keychain.
Hold it down a drill a hole in it.

STEP 3: Put It on the Chain

This requires hand-eye coordination.

STEP 4: Repeat!

Repeat steps 2-3 until you have enough stuff.

STEP 5: Done

Congratulations, you no longer have a boring life!


wouldn't it be easier to use a hot nail for plastic?
I'm a firm believer in the "Knock on wood" superstition, my boyfriend tried to make me a piece of wood keychain for me to knock on :3
All of a sudden I have a mental image of a man with a drill staring thoughtfully at his house...
shoutout to ''dombeef'' I`ve seen that video. it`s so funny
i wonder hoe this would work with a twenty sided dice for extra display of nerdy-nesss
drill at an angle on two seperate faces so they would meet at about 90 degrees. then it wouldnt be hard to hook a chain to it. Ive done it before lol
That would work. Awesome!
From the slap chop commercial!
I made a keychain out of one of my guitar picks - I just used a hole puch to get through it. its great, because now I always have a spare pick with me (although I also keep picks in my earbuds case, which I keep with me)
Slap chop..."You gota love my nuts ,walnuts, peanuts..." LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!!!!!!!!!