Make a Strandbeest


Intro: Make a Strandbeest

STEP 1: Use the Google Slides, Slide Show for the Instructions.


The link to the presentation does not work.
If one link doesn't work try the other. There are two links each to the files and to the instructions. I also found that one link to the google docs didn't work, but the other one did.
Rich, thanks a lot for the tip. Yes, the other one work. You made my day!
First off, thanks for providing all the files. Though I had already created all the "arms" (legs?), your triangular parts helped me resolve some spacing issues. I'm making these legs with a CNC so the stl files loaded easily into my cad/cam program where I could create dxf's of the triangle parts and go from there.
It did take a couple of tries to find the google doc -- one of the links didn't work.