Introduction: Make Your Own Grow Light Under $ 2.50/Rs. 158

Well this is my first post in 3 years, so please comment and let me know what i did wrong.
I love plants, i have 15 Bonsai's at home and different exotic flowering plants and succulents. I am from India, to be exact from Kolkata, West Bengal, so the climate is sort of moderate, not too cold nor too warm. Its winter time, but i wanted to grow my plants now in this winter, its a bit difficult for the temps are lower than required for germination but that can be controlled.

I bought different types of seeds from I tried to buy grow lights for my plants, but they are really very expensive, i am currently un-employed, so it is more difficult for me. Then i read about grow lights, what they exactly are, components used and all. 
I'll tell you all, its not rocket science, i made one at under Rs. 158 or $ 2.50[ i had the breadboards at home]. All you plant lovers who really can't afford those costly grow lights, should try to build one of these. Its really cheap.  I'll explain in detail how i did it. 

List of materials / Components:
30 Blue LED
50 Red LED
40 330 Ohms resistor 
4 9 Volts Battery
4 Breadboards
1 big cardboard to attach the breadboards on.

Step 1: Breadboard Layout

Now, i assume you know what a breadboard is. So, i'll just explain the layout to you all. There are 4 breadboards attached to each other and then glued to the cardboard. So that we can have one long solder-less breadboard.
You all know the +ive and -ive side of LED right, the long lead is +ive and the shorter one is -ive.
Check the pic below, i have made the design that way, but you can make yours, but keep in mind 40% blue and 60% red, i.e., 1 blue led and 2 red led should always be together. The power value for different colored led is different. Highly efficient Blue led requires 3.0 to 3.5 Volts approx just like a white led, and a Standard Red led requires around 2.0 to 2.4 Volts. Now these are very much dependent on the led dye material used, the viewing angle, etc.
I connected 1 330 ohm resistor per 2 leds. so 1 red, 1 blue and 1 resistor. The resistor connects to the positive side of either red or blue led, then the negative side of that led connects to the positive side of another red or blue led. And the negative side of that 2nd led connects to the negative side of the power grid in breadboard. 

I used green connectors to indicate ground or negative side and red as live or positive. Keep in mind there are 4 different breadboard attached together for efficiency, but their power source is different. I used a 9 Volt battery for each board. Now the battery connection are, red for positive and white for ground or negative. 

You can add more leds in this board, but i have a small box available so i used this many.

Step 2: Final Look

I placed a Cactus, a Rudbeckia hirta or Gloriosa daisy, a adenium arabicum, a adenium obessum[dormant] and 3 Puya Bertoniana seedlings in a small cardboard box. You can use any curtains. Then i put the breadboard grow-light upside down on the cardboard box. All you have to do is buy new batteries every 15 days, if used 4 hours regularly. Its still cheaper.

Check my pics below. 

If you liked this instructable then please do use it for your plants. If i made any mistake explaining this or in the layout then please do tell me.

Thank You.