Make Your Own Light-saber!


Intro: Make Your Own Light-saber!

STEP 1: Purchase a Pool Noodle

You can purchase just about any color of pool noodle cheap at $1 stores. You need to start off by cutting it in half.

STEP 2: Gather Supplies

Duct tape, scissors, a sharpie and any other colored tape need to be purchased.

STEP 3: Creating Your Saber!

Secure the tape at one end of the noodle to create a handle. You can then use a sharpie to color on designs.

STEP 4: Have Fun!

I recommend playing light saber sounds and having a battle. One noodle makes two sabers ad they're safe.


its a good idea that you used a pool noodle it is safe but it can break

Oh this is a great idea....Thanks for sharing...I had an idea with this as well....a small led flashlight the 3" size could be inserted and the key fob/strap held by duct tape to make it light up out the other end....the duct tape can be removed and the light taken out later.
Just a thought.