Making a Reptile Harness


Intro: Making a Reptile Harness

In this tutorial I will be showing you how to make a reptile harness. I am using a bearded dragon for this one, but it applies to all reptiles.

STEP 1: Needed Items

The items you will need are:
-Relatively thick fabric, depending on the reptile thinner or thicker should be used
-String with bead that tightens(If anyone knows a name, please comment)

STEP 2: Template

Get a template that fits your reptile from here:
Cut it out and pin it to your fabric

STEP 3: Cutting

Cut the fabric, optionally make a t-shirt shape as shown for added support and comfort

STEP 4: Arm Holes

Mark the arm holes with preferably a fabric pen, I didn't have one so I used orange crayon

STEP 5: Cutting the Arm Holes

Cut the arm holes out, you can start them by folding the fabric and cutting a small slit as shown


Create a small slit on both sides for the string to go through using the same method as the arm holes, just smaller


Put the string through one end and tie it


Put the harness on your reptile and then put the string through the other hole and use the bead to tighten.
Rejoice, your reptile will now be trying to figure out why it cannot simply run away


lace lock that's what the little things called where the harness the little beating lace locks they're usually in the sporting department
I searched online forever trying to find a name for the "bead that tightens." I looked for adjustable toggles & spring toggles.........nothing I wanted. I went to Hobby Lobby, and by the zippers I found them! They call it a "cord stop."
Unfortunately the link doesn't work and the patterns don't seem to be available anywhere else.
the link is no longer working :(
I love the way this one fits snuggly. I use the harnesses because they like to spend warm days wandering about the house - if the harness is attached to a ball of yarn I just have to follow the yarn to find them!
Just what I was looking for! The tightening bead are known as "adjustable toggles" :) Got to tweet this to! Safety is paramount!
Cool. So this is more of a reptile containment device than anything else? I was trying to figure out what a reptile would need a harness for!
Its more to keep a reptile like a bearded dragon secure or in one place than anything. Like if you go somewhere with him on your shoulder, if he slips or falls he would not get hurt, or you would be able to stop him from falling.