Making of a Book Safe


Intro: Making of a Book Safe

It's a very time-consuming project, though I've shared a few bits time-saving of insight I've gathered within the video. The results can be very cool though, so don't let the challenge discourage you. I will have a written account of the book safe's construction as well as my thought process on my blog shortly:

Time to completion: approx. 15 hours over 3 days.


I made 10 of these book safes for Christmas gifts last year! What a job that was,,,BUT loved by all. In fact I got a special order for one from one of the granddaughters for her birthday (I only made them for the boys for Christmas) She was thrilled when she saw it (filled with a few other things, like a journal, headband, etc)

Wish I would have known (or thought of) the drill for cleaning up the corners. That was the worst part about making these.
Oooh, very nice. I won't even try to guess how much time you put in. I always love the idea of making your own gifts. I think it's cool, and very personal... and occasionally fun, lol.