Introduction: Manabí, a Place Where Delicious Food Is Made

This project I decided to make is about Manabi, because I think there is a lot of people that doesn't know what is Manabi, and is a touristic place that everyone should visit. Also, there is people that maybe know what it is, but probably they haven't taste the Manabi's coffee, and I think they should give it a try.

Step 1: Steps

First, I choose the tools I needed in order to start doing my model.

After choosing the utensils, I imagine how I wanted to design my model.

When I've already decided that, I started forming the structure.

Then, I pick the semisphere and I placed it in the middle of the artwork.

After that, I took the ring shape and placed it above the semisphere.

Next, I chose the text tool and start typing dots, which are going to be the seeds of the coffee.

Therefore, I pick the toroide and I placed it above the seeds, so it will be the top of the coffee jar.

Furthermore, I put in the center of the toroide a diamond.

And then, I type the word "coffee" and placed it in the upper part of my model.

Finally, I'm going to add a platain, bolon and a ceviche.

Step 2: Guide: How to Draw My Model of the Coffee on Tinkercad

1. First, you are going to open and click create a design.

2. Second, you are going to start picking the tools you need, which are going to be:

- Curved roof

- Cube

- Polygon

- Cylinder

- Scribble Tool

- Text Tool

- Sphere

-Semi Sphere

3. Third, you are going to pick the cube and start making it bigger, forming a rectangle.

4. Fourth, you are going to pick the curved roof tool and, as you can see when you select it, there's a little cone to adjust the shape, so you are going to click and hold the little cone and drag your finger up, so is going to elevate until is on the top of the base, in this case the rectangle.

5. Fifth, when the base and the roof are done, you are going to select the scribble tool and place it in the artwork, then it is going to open a little drawing pad. There you are going to draw a dot and click done. As you. can see, a stick is formed. Drag the stick to the upper part of the roof and click the triangle (cone) to make it go above the roof.

6. Sixth, choose the polygon tool and place it in the. model. Select the polygon and there it is going to appear white little squares, click on the square that is down in the left and drag your mouse making it go down.

7. Then, with the middle square, drag your mouse down until the polygon is. thin. Then, click the right square and drag your mouse to the right, but also going down until it looks that is going to be the perfect size.

8. Eighth, drag the thin polygon to the upper part of the stick, and with the cone make the polygon go up, and place it in the stick in the upper part.

9. Control and copy the polygon, so with the second put it in the upper part of the polygon that is down with the stick leaving a space for the seeds of the coffee.

10. Tenth, we are almost done! Don't give up. Now we need to add the coffee seeds, for this we are going to need the text tool, select it, and place it in the artwork.

11. Eleventh, select the text that is in the artwork and in the right side of the project there is something that you can change the word "text" and write whatever you want. In this case, you are going to type a lot of dots, and place them in the middle of the two polygons.

12. Now, choose the tube and place one in front of the stick with the coffee seeds (signboard) and place 1 in the left and another one in the right.

13. Next, type the word "extra" in capital letter with the text tool, place it in front of the base of our coffee shop.

14. Fourteenth, choose the sphere tool and change the color, where it says "solid", select the yellow color. This is going to be our "bolon". Place it next next to the word "extra".

15. Now we need to draw the platain, for this you need to select the scribble tool and draw a. banana-like shape. Then change its color to yellow.

16. Last, using again the semi sphere tool select it and place it in the artwork upside down. This is going to be our bowl for the "ceviche". Then, using the scribble tool, draw a tiny worm-like shape and little circles. This will be our "ceviche". Place it in the bowl, and we are done!

Tinkercad Student Design Contest

Participated in the
Tinkercad Student Design Contest