Marea Bench by Cristian Arostegui


Intro: Marea Bench by Cristian Arostegui

The Marea bench was desined by furniture designer and builder, Cristian Arostegui.
It was built as a final project for the Industrial Woodworking Technician program in Humber College, Toronto, Canada.
It is inspired by the movement of the ocean. The purpose was to design a piece that is functional for different needs and environments.

STEP 1: Marea Bench- Description

The Purpose!

STEP 2: Marea Bench- Concept

The inspiration was ......

STEP 3: Marea Bench- the Parts

Here the parts are ready, and I just need to assemble them with the lag bolts!
Without wood preservatives yet.

STEP 4: Marea Bench- the Piece!

Here is the final product of my hard work!
I know, it's photoshop. However, the benches are real, I just wanted to show them in a more appropriate location.

STEP 5: Marea Bench- Plans

Details, Dimensions.

STEP 6: Marea Bench- Sketches

Just playing around!