Introduction: Marshmallow Mortar

About: The supreme comander of the neighborhood club called NTO or National Tree House Organization
A small portable PVC mortar used to fire mini marshmallows. Easy to build.

Step 1: Parts List

Parts list

a long length of 7/8 inch diameter sch. 40 pvc pipe

2 elbow couplings

1 threaded end cap adapter

1 4 way coupling

2 end caps

Oh and most importantly, you'll need the red thing of of this weird cone ball game from like the 60's

Step 2: Assembly

Before assembly cut the following lengths

10 and 4 inch pieces for barrel

3(2x) and 6(2x) lengths for legs

The picture enclosed should explain things enough to get your mortar together.

Step 3: Your Done!

Your mortar should look something like this if youve done everything right.

to fire, drop a single marshmallow down the barrel and strike the red thing on the ground.

the marshmallow should fly in a high arched trajectory like a real mortar before returning to earth.

Movie soon!