McDonald's Wasp Trap!


Intro: McDonald's Wasp Trap!

This is a very simple Instructable for a quick and simple wasp trap using a McDonald's McCafé Iced Mango or any of their fruity flavors....

STEP 1: Drink!

Consume about 3/4's of the drink......

STEP 2: Flip Your Lid

Invert the lid.....

STEP 3: Job Done!

Sit back and wait.......


In reference to the wasps in your carport, Lowe's sells an inexpensive can of wasp & hornet spray, a citrus mix of sorts, and it shoots a long distance...with immediate knockdown effect. If you wait until all the wasps return to their nest in the evening, turn loose a stream of the wasp spray and they will fall dead in a pile. Soak the nest and pull it down after at least 24 hours. The label notes that it is harmful to will kill any wasps that return to the nest the next day. Make sure to read the label, but it has worked great for me. On the other hand, I am going to try this idea out (wasps are too stupid to figure out how to crawl back out of the hole in the lid). Hope this helps.

What a fabulous idea. I've fiddled around with heaps of different fly etc traps. Will try this one, can't argue with your dead critters! Thanks.

To evacuate a nest of yellow jackets, get out your shop vac, add a tube that will extend the wand to about ten feet, turn on the vac and probe the nest with the wand. The yellow jackets will "attack" the end of the tube and get sucked in. I've done this a number of times and have never been stung--they are focused on the tube, not on the human holding it. In my experience the trip down the tube and the corrugated hose into the shop vac kills them, and I've never had any trouble with them escaping. To be safe, I stick a little tape over the end of the hose after the deed is done, and leave it for a day or two. A friend suggested sealing the bag and submerging it, but I have never found that necessary. Once they're out, you can destroy the nest.

Absolutely terrific!!!! My cat greets at all the things that fly about but does nothing about it (I think I'm kind of thankful...) and I'm disabled and can't really chase things...but this has worked a treat!!!
Why? There's too many humans on the planet, arent there?

Excellent - thanks for sharing this! I tend to over-engineer solutions to problems, and the most simple, direct route to a solution is most often best. I'll be giving this a try!

It's really stupid topic. Remember that Monsanto, a multinational company that wants to dominate the world through transgenic foods, seizing absolute control of the global supply. One of the measures being taken is to kill all the bees in the world. They already have the robotic bee list for promote fertilization, (THEY WILL sold or leased to the high costs to farmers) Po favor. Best presents a project that supports the life of bees. Without them you can not eat anything.

Only those who think Monsanto or any other large corporation is intentionally producing substances to exterminate mankind are ignorant and uninformed. You are definitely amusing with your joking around.

It may only seem that way. But that impression regarding Monsanto or any other large corporation, is hard to shake, given how corporations sometimes behave. Capitalism is all about making a buck. Regardless of what their PR departments try to push, the bottom line is their TOP priority. I personally do not have a problem with that, per se. But let's not delude ourselves. To the corporations, everything else is subordinated to profit. Everything is first regarded as a commodity, including humans.

As far as natural enemies are concerned, I observed a California scrub jay EAT a wasp. Gulp, and it was history! At first I was concerned that the bird was going to become a casualty to learning the hard way. But, no. Madeline (I know, pet names for wild animals and all) just went on her merry way and was seen the next day, business as usual.

yellow jackets aren't bees and wikipedia knows it Yellow jackets are sometimes mistakenly called "bees" (as in "meat bees"), given that they are similar in size and appearance and both sting, but yellow jackets are actually wasps. They may be confused with other wasps, such as hornets and paper wasps. Polistes dominula, a species of paper wasp, is very frequently misidentified as a yellow jacket. A typical yellow jacket worker is about 12 mm/0.5 in long, with alternating bands on the abdomen; the queen is larger, about 19 mm/0.75 in long (the different patterns on their abdomens help separate various species). Workers are sometimes confused with honey bees, especially when flying in and out of their nests. Yellow jackets, in contrast to honey bees, are not covered with tan-brown dense hair on their bodies, they do not carry pollen, and do not have the flattened hairy hind legs used to carry it.

These species have lance-like stingers with small barbs, and typically sting repeatedly,[1] though occasionally a stinger becomes lodged and pulls free of the wasp's body; the venom, like most bee and wasp venoms, is primarily only dangerous to humans who are allergic or are stung many times. All species have yellow or white on their faces. The mouthparts are well-developed with strong mandibles for capturing and chewing insects, with probosces for sucking nectar, fruit, and other juices. Yellow jackets build nests in trees, shrubs, or in protected places such as inside man-made structures, or in soil cavities, tree stumps, mouse burrows, etc. They build them from wood fiber they chew into a paper-like pulp. Many other insects exhibit protective mimicry of aggressive, stinging yellow jackets; in addition to numerous bees and wasps (Müllerian mimicry), the list includes some flies, moths, and beetles (Batesian mimicry).

Yellow jackets' closest relatives, the hornets, closely resemble them, but have larger heads, seen especially in the large distance from the eyes to the back of the head.[1]

If they aren't honey bees, I mercilessly destroy them, their homes and all of their children. Wasps (including Hornets, Yellow Jackets, Evil GD Bumblebees) Bad. Honey Bees Good.

In my country, Chile, yellow jackets are not endemic insect. It is an introduced pest and has no natural enemies, so there is no control over it and its reproduction. This plague having no natural enemies attacks another kind of insect which is extremely damaging to the local environment.

Works fine for cockroach, but use "Corona" beer

"Consume about 3/4's of the drink......" yeah no...

Add a little bit of Vodka blend and down the hatch. (every thing goes better with Vodka) ; ~)

I must agree! Toddy anyone

But...but...but its from a fast food restaurant... won't it be bad for their cholesterol levels if the wasps consume something from a fast food restaurant?

Better use fresh squeezed.

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